- The pesticide has high selec-tivitics to natural enemy of Coccinella septempunctata and Propylea japonica. 室内测定还证明,增效吡虫啉和吡虫啉对蚜虫的主要天敌七星瓢虫及龟纹瓢虫均具有较高的选择性。
- toxicity to natural enemies 天敌毒害
- The larvae of a few species contain poisons, which come from the poisonous plants they eat and which prove highly unappetizing to natural enemies like birds and spiders. 少数几种蝴蝶幼虫,含有鸟、蜘蛛等捕食类天敌不敢吃的毒,如大白斑蝶。幼虫身上的毒则来自他们所吃的有毒植物。
- The penton base and fiber are toxic to cells. 基底和纤维突起对细胞有毒性作用。
- Miracles are contrary to nature. 奇迹是与大自然的力量相对的。
- The owl is the natural enemy of mice and rats. 猫头鹰是鼠类的克星。
- China is a country vulnerable to natural disasters. 中国是世界上自然灾害较多的国家。
- Long term or large dosages can be toxic to the kidneys. 大剂量长期服用可能对肾脏有毒。
- Adaptation of human body to natural environment. 强调人对自然的依存与适应关系。
- We would never bow to natural disasters. 我们决不向自然灾害低头。
- Her death was ascribed to natural causes. 她的死因被归因为自然死亡。
- Study on Parasitical Natural Enemy Insect of Saperda populnea L. 青杨天牛寄生性天敌昆虫初步研究。
- You don’t know fat is your natural enemy and ugly is your monody. 你不知肥胖是你的天敌,丑陋是你的挽歌。
- Large dosages and/or long term usage can be toxic to kidneys. 大剂量或长期服用可能对肾脏有毒。
- Bicomponent neoprene adhesive for SBR rubber to natural upper. 双组分氯丁橡胶胶粘剂;适用于SBR橡胶和真皮鞋面的粘合.
- Ergocalciferol at high levels also is toxic to chickness. 高水平的麦角钙化醇对鸡也是有毒害的。
- I'm trying to prevent the reversion of my garden to nature. 我正在试图防止我的花园返回一片荒芜的自然状态。
- Title: Study on Parasitical Natural Enemy Insect of Saperda populnea L. 关键词:青杨天牛;寄生性天敌昆虫;重寄生;研究
- Ergocalciferol at high levels also is toxic to chickens. 高水平的麦角钙化醇对鸡也是有毒害的。
- He wants to give away all his modern possessions and return to nature. 他要舍弃一切时髦的东西而归真返璞。