- Touch-UpPCR Touch-Up PCR
- upon与on同义。 " Upon" is synonymous with" on" .
- 她(而不是upon)星期二要来这里。 She will be here on(not upon) Tuesday.
- silent“touch bar”tone interrupter 无声“触杆”纯音阻断器
- 她(而不是upon)星期二要来这里。 She will be here on (not upon ) Tuesday.
- 帮我把书放在(而不是upon)桌子上。 Hand me the book on(not upon)the table.
- 应用nested和touch down PCR技术分离牦牛CAPN1大亚基基因EST Isolation of EST for CAPN1 of Bos grunniens with nested and touch-down PCR
- 我们看到树枝上停着(或upon)一只麻雀。 We saw a finch light on (or upon ) a bough.
- (=pinprick, touch, vibration, and position) 针刺、触摸、振动和位置 PPT vib.pos.
- 侵战接近或侵占。常与on或upon连用 To verge or encroach.Often used with on or upon.
- 以touch downPCR技术检测高危型HPV(HPV16 ,18,31,33,5 8等)的感染率。 and the infection rates of high -risk HPV including HPV16, 18, 31, 33, 52, 58 were measured by touch-down p olymerase chain reaction(PCR), 10 normal cervical specimens were taken as control.
- 这是(而不是upon)主要干线上唯一的城镇。 It was the only town on (not upon ) the main line.
- One Touch技术优化BT下载,获取种子文件后自动下载目标文件,无须二次操作。 The One Touch technique optimizes BT download and can automatically download target files after getting seeds information, hence no need to operate again.
- 成功的劝服或诱使,经常和on,upon或with连用。 To use persuasion or inducement successfully. Often used with on,upon,or with.
- 成功的劝服或诱使,经常和on,upon或with连用 To use persuasion or inducement successfully. Often used with on, upon, or with.
- 本书获得过约翰·雷斯奖,曾于1973年在美国被改编成了电影《一点爱》(A Touch of Love)。 The book brought Drabble the John Llewelyn Rhys Prize and was adapted as a film A Touch of Love for American audience in 1969. The protagonist Rosamund is a newly liberated woman.
- 裁判员对在这一器械完成动作情况如何评判? What aspects of performance are the judges assessing on this piece of equipment?
- 本文设计了一种B/S模式的综合评价支持系统(Comprehensive Evaluation Support System Based upon B/S Pattern简称ess),它能够支持大多数类型的指标体系,集成多种评价方法,因此具有通用性。 In this paper, a Comprehensive Evaluation Support System Based upon B/S Pattern (ESS for short) is researched. It can be used to solve many problems, because it can accept most type of index systems and is assembled by many methods.