- He let himself down slowly by means of a tope. 他借助一根绳子慢慢地下来了。
- Victor mau copotin topi gw,tapi gagal juga! 休想从我头上摘我的帽子!
- Toa Acron is the brand name of producing ACM in Tope Company Japan. 是日本透杯公司生产的丙烯酸酯橡胶的商品名称。
- ETS TOPE is also produced by Educational Testing Service. ETS职业英语考试也是由美国教育测试服务中心(ETS)开发的产品。
- A sassaby(Damaliscus lunatus subsp. topi) of eastern Africa having a glossy dark brown coat. 转角牛羚一种产于东非的大羚羊(南非大羚羊亚种转角牛羚),皮毛光滑呈深褐色。
- It took four rounds of voting for Mr Topi to scrape together the three-fifths majority he needed to win. 经过四轮投票之后,托皮才凑足了法定的五分之三多数,从而赢得选举。
- But Mr Topi is expected to push for a constitutional amendment to set a time limit. 但托皮很可能为此推动一个设定检察长任期期限的宪法修正案。
- BAMIR TOPI, Albania's recently elected president, may find himself doing rather more than his job description would suggest. 将job description would suggest直接翻译“宪法所要求的”会不会不妥呢?
- The electric elements and tope frameworks are modeled, and power flow calculation is realized by Newton-Raphson method. 本文建立了太钢电网仿真培训的数学模型,对电力系统元件和拓扑结构进行建模,利用牛顿-拉夫逊方法实现了潮流计算。
- A total of 22 Chinese companies wereamong the world's top 500 in 2007.Sinopec, the largest company in China,ranked 17th. It was the only nompany to topI trillion yuan hy revenue. 2007年,中国共有22家企业跻身世界500强,最大的“中石化”集团名列第17位,同时,它也是中国唯一一个收入超过万亿的企业。
- If you need an assessment of your English skills to use in business and in other occupations in China, consider ETS TOPE. 如果你需要在中国国内商业场合和其他场合所需的英语能力进行一次评估,请考虑ETS职业英语考试。
- You might not make it to the tope, but if you are doing what you love, there is much more happiness there than being rich or famous. 你可能永远都达不到顶峰,但是如果你正在做你喜欢的事情,那么与其中蕴藏的快乐相比,财富和名声又算得了什么呢?
- ETS TOPE has been specifically designed for those individuals who will need to use English in their employment in China. ETS职业英语考试是专门为中国国内那些在工作中需要使用英语的的个人所设计开发的。
- She has researched and developed a series of Chinese character recognition systems, which are in the tope level worldwide. 近年来在汉字识别领域,取得了一系列国际领先的研究成果,并成功地进行了产品化和产业化转化。
- He would push congress to make president bushes tests cars permanent and he would earn to low the tope ride of income for businesses form 35% to 25%. 而且,他意图将商业最高所得税从35%25降低到25%25。总之,参议员麦凯恩提议在新的减税政策中将商业和个人税收降低2000亿美元。
- Tope products are mainly exported to many countries, such as Italy, Spain, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, South Korea, India , etc. 特别是依托陶瓷加工优势,陶瓷专业锯片更日益完善,深得陶瓷加工行业的信赖,产品出口西班牙、意大利等地。
- A pith helmet; a topi. 遮阳帽干木髓做的太阳帽;软木帽
- Tope Tools Co., Ltd was found in1994, it is a professional manufacturer specialized in Diamond saw blade, most of the prodcuts are for the professional users. 中国小鲨鱼工具有限公司创建于1994年,专业生产制造金刚石圆锯片,硬质合金圆锯片,大部分锯片偕以专业加工用户为主要客户。
- A pith helmet;a topi. 遮阳帽干木髓做的太阳帽;软木帽
- Tope Tools Co.,Ltd was found in 1994, it is a professional manufacturer specialized in Diamond saw blade,most of the prodcuts are for the professional users. 中国小鲨鱼工具有限公司创建于1994年,专业生产制造金刚石圆锯片,硬质合金圆锯片,大部分锯片偕以专业加工用户为主要客户。