- Laboratory experiment of dry gas injection in super low-permeability carbonate fractured reservoir. 裂缝性特低渗碳酸盐岩油藏注烃类气驱油室内实验研究。
- TRT(TOP gas pressure Recovery Turbine) is a veryimportant energy recycling installment in iron-smelting craft. 高炉煤气余压发电装置是高炉炼铁工艺中的一项重要能量回收装置。
- Gas injection adjustment -: This function of the button is doing reduce action for what it chose area value. 本按钮的功能是将所选区域的值进行减动作。
- A complete set of EOR technology by gas injection in low permeability oil reservoirs. 低渗透油藏注气提高采收率配套技术
- To realize high precision control of top pressure, the dynamic mathematical model of top gas pressure recovery turbine (TRT) system was researched. 摘要为实现高炉顶压的高精度控制,提出了高炉煤气余压透平装置(TRT)系统炉顶压力的动态数学模型。
- We used long cores in order to get hydrocarbon gas injection EOR efficiency , and got PVT parameters . 在室内开展了注烃气的长岩心驱替试验,用物理模拟的方法研究了注烃气提高采收率的幅度,并取得了流体的PVT参数;
- The Fortran PowerStation 4.0 software is used to make the program for the design of radial turbines in blast furnace top gas recovery turbine units. 本文运用Fortran PowerStation 4.;0 软件,编制程序进行了高炉炉顶煤气余压发电装置用向心式透平的设计研究。
- During IOR by gas injection, asphtene precipitation will commonly block the effect of IOR. 在注气提高采收率过程中,沥青沉降经常严重妨碍了采收率的提高。
- In this thesis, the performance of a dry blast-furnace top gas pressure recovery turbine (TRT) made by Shanxi blower works has been investigated. 本文以陕西鼓 风机集团的干式高炉炉顶煤气余压回收透平(TRT)为例,对干式TRT作了 性能计算及其分析。
- Gas injection mechanism in buried hill reservoir has been studied through analyzing the impact of gas on oil PVT. 通过分析天然气对原油高压物性的影响,研究了古潜山油藏的注气机理。
- The enhancement of convective heat transfer is more obvious than that of subcooled flow boiling by inert gas injection. 结果表明:混合对流传热时,传热的增强更加显著,引入惰气对对流传热的增强程度要明显好于对过冷沸腾传热的增强。
- Jakobsson NM ,Christian T M. History performance of gas injection of ekofisk[C] . SPE 28933. 李留仁;赵艳艳.;低渗透油田注水与注气开发数值模拟比较[J]
- This study provides a theoretical basis and experimental data for enhancing coalbed methane recovery by gas injection. 本工作为煤层气注气提高采收率提供了理论依据和实验数据。
- Gas injection flooding as an important method of EOR has been researched and applied on a large scale in both laboratory and field. 注气驱油作为提高采收率的一种重要方法,国内外已在实验室和现场进行了相当规模的研究和应用。
- The operative principle of gas assisted injection molding and the structure components of gas injection machinery are analyzed. 介绍了气体辅助注射成型技术的工作原理,气体注射装置的基本组成系统。
- Dry gas injection huff and puff is one of the effective techniques to remove the retrograde condensate blocking of condensate gas wells. 注气吞吐是解除凝析气井单井反凝析油堵塞问题的有效方法之一。
- It was found that gas injection at riser base could eliminate the severe slugging and stabilize the gas and liquid flow rates at the riser outlet. 实验结果表明,采用上升管下部注气的方法可以消除严重段塞流现象,实现管道出口气液的稳定流动,减小系统的最高压力,同时可以防止上游水平管内出现高频率的长液塞流动。
- Conclusion Liguid or gas injection to anterior chamber can make the crystalline lensiris move formard and return to normal position,maint... 结论前房注气注液(或黏弹剂)可使前移的晶状体_虹膜隔恢复原位,维持眼内压力,使房水循环恢复正常从而治愈脉络膜脱离。
- Gas injected PEX? dielectric for accurate signal transfer, even over long runs. 专利的PEX?气体电介质注入技术令到信号传输精确;经久耐用.
- The result indicated that GAE could reduced the pressure drop and moved the local exit stress concentration to the point of gas injection. 研究表明:气辅挤出可以降低压力降,将应力集中的位置由口模出口处转移到气体的注入点;