- The principal's prerogative to suspend a student. 校长所拥有的可除名学生的权力
- They decided to suspend trade with that country. 他们决定中断和那个国家的贸易。
- The management decides to suspend negotiation . 管理部门决定中止谈判。
- The management decided to suspend negotiation. 管理部门决定中止谈判。
- Therefore, we had to suspend such practice. 因此,我们不得不暂停对台湾输出渔工。
- They threatened to suspend their" aid" . 他们威胁要中断“援助"。
- A request to suspend power was denied by %2. 2拒绝了暂停能源的请求。
- To suspend proceedings to another time or place. 中止中止至另一时间或地点的进程
- To suspend until a later stated time. 使延期延期至以后指定的时间
- Send down To suspend or dismiss from a university. 开除从大学中停止学籍或开除。
- They threatened to suspend their"aid". 他们威胁要中断“援助"。
- Have you asked the Club to suspend any player? 你有没有要求俱乐部隔离某位球员?
- If not, Party A has right to suspend classes. 如果不这样做的话,甲方有权停课。
- He was compelled by illness to suspend his experiment. 他因病不得不暂时中断实验。
- to suspend publication 停刊
- I for one think it worth while to suspend my disbelief for a time. 拿我来说,我就认为做一回这样的梦是值得的。
- Iran has not responded to requests to suspend its nuclear program. 伊朗还未对延缓其核计划的要求作出回应。
- The newspaper has suspended publication,and has been merged in the magazine. 该报纸已停止发行,并已和杂志社合并了。
- The newspaper has suspended publication, and has been merged in the magazine. 该报纸已停止发行,并已和杂志社合并了。
- The government was obliged to suspend foreign copper shipments. 政府不得不暂停铜的外运。