- The patrol boat was ordered to stand by the sinking ship. 巡逻艇奉命留在那快要沉没的船只附近,以便进行救助。
- B: Please ask the boy to stand by the window. 请叫那个男孩站在窗边。
- Go and stand by the wall,it's safer there. 去靠墙站着,那里安全些。
- He had the guts to stand by his friend when he was in trouble. 当他处在困境的时候,他仍有勇气支持他的朋友。
- He was ordered by the policemen to stand himself against the wall with the arms putting up. 警察命令他举起双手靠墙站着。
- The patrol boat was ordered to stand by the sinkingship. 巡逻艇奉命留在那快要沉没的船只附近,以便进行救助。
- Please wait while the system prepares to stand by. 系统准备转换到备用状态,请稍候。
- He was told to stand close to the wall. 有人告诉他靠墙站着。
- They were pinioned against the wall by the lorry. 那辆卡车把他们挤到墙根动弹不得。
- to stand by the wall 站在墙边
- She sipped her coffee and smiled as the middle-aged politician came to stand by the refreshment table with her. 她细细品着咖啡,微笑着,中年政客走过来,和她一起站在点心桌前。
- I'm always wilting to stand by anything rye said. 我说的话我总是要遵守的。
- The wives are used to stand by the door and see off their husbands to go to work, which is not usual now. 妻子们过去习惯站在门口目送丈夫们去上班,这在现在已经不常见了。
- He complained that the company was been driven to the wall by the workers' demand for higher wages. 他抱怨说工人们提出增加工资的要求把公司逼入了绝境。
- I'm always willing to stand by anything I've said. 我说的话我总是要遵守的。
- He has hundreds of books but most of them hang by the wall. 他有好几百本书,但大多束之高阁。
- He is sure to stand by you,right or wrong. 不管怎样,他肯定站在你一边。
- A goal line stand by the home team held the visitors on the two-yard line. 主队在球门线前的坚强防御使客队无法在两码之内使球触地得分。
- Preparing to Stand By in order to complete eject. 正在准备待机来完成弹出。
- Once a decision is made, you've got to stand by it. 一旦作出了决定,就要信守决定。