- to purify oxygen by filtration 用过滤法提纯氧气
- Water can be purified by filtration through sand. 水通过沙滤可以变清。
- Lasers can also be used to purify materials. 激光还可以用于材料提纯。
- Some have learned to purify water through filtration. 一些人已学会通过过滤去净化水。
- Serving to purify of sin;expiatory. 用于赎罪的;抵罪的
- Serving to purify of sin; expiatory. 用于赎罪的;抵罪的
- Aim To purify rabbit anti hEra polyclonal antibody. 目的纯化兔抗人ERA的多克隆抗体。
- Detection of Singlet Oxygen by the Bleaching of RNO in Thylakoids. 利用RNO脱色反应检测类囊体中的单线态氧。
- The precipitated carbonation sludge is removed by filtration. 沉淀的碳酸饱和物通过过滤被清除。
- They open the windows to purify the air of the room. 他们打开窗户清涤室内空气。
- Rainwater with light pollution level is easy to purify. 雨水作为一种自然资源,污染轻,处理容易。
- The nanotubes were composed of silicon and small oxygen by the EDX spectrum. 通过EDX能谱测试,该结构主要为Si和少量氧组成;
- Sterilization by filtration is subject to one major theoretical limitation. 过滤灭菌具有一个理论上的局限性。
- If you are trapped under falling debris, conserve oxygen by not farting. 如果你被陷在了倒塌的建筑底下,不要放屁,这样可以节约空气。。。
- Filtration was used to purify wine, and some people in the Greco-Roman period used sedimentation to clarify their water. 过滤被用于纯化葡萄酒,而沉降早在古希腊一罗马时代即被人们用于净化饮用水。
- The paper introduces the mistlike scrubbing-super-fine filtration and adsorption-catalyic combustion method to purify the lacquering. 该文介绍了雾化洗涤-超细过滤法和吸附-催化燃烧法净化喷漆废气。
- This substance can be reduced to a single chemical and oxygen by passing an electrical charge through it. 通电后,这种物质可以被分解为一种单一的化学制品和氧。
- This music seems to purify one's spirit of evil things. 这首曲子好像要清除人思想中的恶念。
- A wide range of research projects related to the production of oxygen by adsorption. 该研究小组主要从事氧气吸附生产相关研究项目。
- Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye. 燃烧着的山楂用作净化,使你的眼睛靠近仙境。