- to pay capital gains tax 缴纳资本收益税
- No capital gains tax, no VAT or sales tax. 没有资本增值税、增值税或销售税。
- He is exempted from capital gains tax. 他被免除了资本收益税。
- And I got some patter with the capital gains tax, too. 我也能侃侃而谈投资利得所得税。
- Capital gains tax (CGT) is not a separate tax, but a component of income tax. 我也赞成全国一个扣除标准,一方面体现公平,另一方面体现税法的严肃性。
- In addition, NVCA still suggests to reduce the capital gains tax of IPO investor. 此外,NVCA还建议降低IPO投资者的资本收益税。
- Reduce business, capital gains and payroll taxes, starting with lowering Employment Insurance premiums to the level necessary to pay for EI benefits. 削减商业、资产和工资税收,首先以降低EI保险开始。
- "The capital losses were then transferred to enable Rothmans to avoid capital gains tax. “随后资本损失被转移,使乐富门避免缴纳资本收益税。”
- His speech on the economy this week was replete with seriously bad ones, starting with cutting the already very low capital gains tax in half. 从马侃提出要将税率已经很低的资本利得税再降一半,让本周他对于经济议题方面的演讲充满了严重坏消息。
- Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has said that the government may not include its pledge to cut capital gains tax in the forthcoming budget. 加拿大财政部长姆称.;弗莱赫迪称,加政府不可以保证把削减资本利息税这个项目纳入下一年的财政年度预算里。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。
- What would my estimated capital gain tax liability be if I sold certain investments? 卖出某些资产后估计的资本收益税额是多少?
- Grandeur have a heavy tax to pay. 伟人要付出高昂代价。
- I am also wary of extending unemployment benefits, as well as skeptical about how much slashing the long-term capital gains tax would actually benefit ordinary folk. . 我也担心延长失业救济金的方案是否有效,也对长期削减资本利得税到底能实惠多少普通老百姓感到质疑。
- As a result, scores of foreign private equity and hedge funds could face larger Chinese tax bills. China typically levies a 10 per cent capital gains tax on restructurings. 其结果是,数十家海外私人股本和对冲基金有可能面临数额更大的中国税单。中国一般对重组征收10%25的资本利得税。
- I shall have to prod him to pay me what he owes. 我将不得不催促他把欠我的钱还给我。
- Equity markets generally welcomed cuts in capital gains tax and on savings, and an expansionary fiscal policy helped cushion the blow after the bursting of the dotcom bubble. 股市对资本收益税和储蓄的减少基本持欢迎态度,而扩张型财政政策缓和了网络泡沫破灭的冲击。
- Joel wanted to pay William off for backbiting him. 乔尔因威廉在背后说他坏话而要对他进行报复。
- The market viewed the increase as mild compared to the potential introduction of harsher austerity measures such as capital gain tax on stock trading and property withholding tax. 市场认为,与征收股票资本利得税和房地产预提税等可能实施的更为严厉的措施相比,提高存款准备金率仍算是温和的。
- Her tearful family came to pay their last respects. 她全家含泪前来向死者告别。