- to keep sb alive 维持某人的生命
- The doctors tried everything to keep him alive but to no avail. 医生们曾竭尽全力抢救他的生命,但却徒劳无功。
- He loved to keep alive the worship of Egypt. 他热衷于保持对埃及的敬仰。
- It was necessary to keep this fiction alive. 必须让这个美丽的谎言保持下去。
- We tried to keep him alive but to no avail. 我们全力抢救他, 但却徒劳无功。
- Jessica plays the wife who tries to keep him alive. 杰西卡扮演的妻子努力要拯救他的生命。
- to keep sb up to date (with sth) 告知某人( 某事的 )最新动态
- It was very thoughtless of you to keep her waiting so long. 你让她等那么久也太不体谅人了。
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- She's old and infirm and has to keep to the house. 她因年老体弱而足不出户。
- He got a friend to keep shop for him. 他找了一个朋友替他看店。
- It is difficult to keep on terms with such a man. 很难和这样的人保持友好关系。
- That's something we have always to keep in mind. 那是我们应该经常记在心里的。
- Be it your intention to diet to keep your figure? 您打算节食以保持苗条体形吗?
- Castles in the air cost a vast deal to keep up. 空中楼阁,要有一大笔费用来维持。
- Let's walk fast in order to keep warm. I'm cold. 咱们快些吧,以保持身体暖和。我感到冷。
- He whistled to his friend to keep hidden. 他吹口哨通知朋友继续隐蔽。
- Rarely did he fail to keep his promise. 他真的很难得失信。
- Would you be good enough to keep silent? 请你保持安静好吗?