- to iron a shirt flat 将衬衫熨平整
- Brighton College on the southern English coast will drill pupils on how to iron a shirt properly, dance the waltz, when to take off a jacket or go to the toilet, when to avoid talking at the dinner table and other finer points of etiquette. 位于英格兰南部沿海的布莱顿学院将对学生们进行各种礼仪培训,其中包括怎样熨衬衫、跳华尔兹、何时脱外套、何时去洗手间、在餐桌上何时不能说话等一些礼仪细节。
- I was ironing a shirt when the phone rang and I accidentally answered the iron instead of the phone! 我说:我正在烫衬衫,突然间电话铃声响起来,我抓起熨斗当成话筒了!
- They used a steam roller to iron out the road. 他们用蒸汽压路机压平了路面。
- How many yards must I buy to make a shirt? 做一件衬衫要多少码的布?
- Would you like me to iron your shirt for you? 要我帮你烫衬衣吗?
- Please cut me enough of this cloth to make a shirt. 请给我剪下这块布,要够做一件衬衣的。
- The neck of a shirt gets dirty easily. 衬衫领口很容易弄脏。
- He selected a shirt to match his suit. 他挑选了一件与他的套装相配的衬衫。
- He was determined to iron out the difficulties. 他决心解决困难。
- They used a steamroller to iron out the road. 他们用压路机来平整路面。
- A neutral tie can be worn with a shirt of any colour. 暗灰色的领带配什麽颜色的衬衣都行。
- I prefer to iron my shirts while they are still damp. 我喜欢在衬衫尚潮湿时熨烫。
- When he came to work for us, he hadn't a shirt to his back. 刚来为我们工作时,他一贫如洗。
- He wants a shirt that does not bind him. 他要一件不使他觉得过紧的衬衫。
- Iron a garment until it is scorche. 用熨斗将衣服重复熨平,直至焦黄。
- Iron A MICRONUTRIENT essential for plant growth. 铁:是植物生长所必须的微量元素。
- His is a shirt with long sleeves. 他的衬衣是一件长袖的衬衣。
- Would you like me to iron your trousers for you ? 要我帮你烫一烫裤子吗?
- Wear a hat and keep a shirt handy. 戴顶帽子并将一件衬衫带在身边。