- When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a wife with which to share his fortune. 当他发现只要他有病的父亲往生时他就可继承大笔财富时;他决定他需要有一位太太共同分享他的财富.
- She inherited a fortune from her father. 她从她父亲那里继承了一大笔财富。
- Do you think I just inherited a fortune? 你以为我发财了吗?
- If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. 如果你想快乐一年,继承一笔财产;
- to inherit a fortune 继承遗产
- Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one. 继承藏书虽好,收集藏书更有意义。
- I had to lay out a fortune on that car. 我得为那辆汽车花上一大笔钱。
- He fell out with his father and became a wan-derer; though he would eventually inherit a fortune, he had no ready money. 他和父亲也闹翻了,成了脱离家庭的游子;虽然他最终会继承一大笔财产,但他当时却身无分文。
- If the student is one of those people who just want to learn, he'd better make sure that he either has rich parents or will soon inherit a fortune. 如果这个学生属于那种纯粹是为了学习而学习的人,那么他最好能有把握要么有有钱的父母撑腰,要么不久就会继承一大笔财产。
- He is planed to amass a fortune for a rainy day. 他正打算积蓄财富以备不时之需。
- He went to Australia and soon made a fortune. 他去了澳洲,很快就发了大财。
- William inherited a fortune but ran it through in no time. 威廉继承了一笔遗产,可是很快就花光了。
- Holly went to a fortune teller one night and had her fortune read. 霍莉有天晚上去找算命先生给她算了一命。
- As stewards of the Earth, we demand the right for all future generations to inherit a healthy planet. 我们作为地球的乘务员,为所有后代继承一个健康的地球的权利而战。
- He inherited a fortune and ran through it in a year. 他继承了一大笔财产,一年之内就挥霍光了。
- At 25 he inherited a fortune and become a multimillionaire. 25岁时,他继承了一大笔财产,成了千万富翁。
- He expects to inherit a large estate left by his grandfather. To his disgust,he learns that the bulk of the estate has been left to his distant cousin. 他指望断承祖父留下的一大桩地产。得知一大部分遗产留给了他的一个远房表亲时,他感到憎恶。
- I would argue that human cloning denies an individual's right to inherit a unique set of genes; unique because that particular permutation has not appeared before. 我会争辩说,人的克隆否定了个体经遗传获得一组独一无二的基因的权利;之所以独一无二,是因为那种独特的基因排列组合以前不曾出现过。
- Her job's so cushy: she does next to nothing and earns a fortune. 她的工作真轻松: 几乎无所事事却能挣大钱。
- He expects to inherit a large estate left by his grandfather. To his disgust, he learns that the bulk of the estate has been left to his distant cousin. 他指望断承祖父留下的一大桩地产。得知一大部分遗产留给了他的一个远房表亲时,他感到憎恶。