- Do not you think it may be a good idea to foster a child ? 你不认为领养孩子是个好主意吗?
- Don't you think it might be a good idea to foster a child? 你不认为领养孩子是个好主意吗?
- Do not you think it may is a good idea to foster a child? 你不变为领养孩子是个好主意吗?
- We couldn't adopt a child, so we decided to foster. 我们不能领养孩子,所以决定代养一个。
- " Heard that there was a female star to go adoption of 20 orphans, Pie Piezui Tian Gang, "to foster a child, it has to spend big effort not support 20 small goldfish. 听说有个女明星一口气说要收养20个孤儿,田刚撇撇嘴,“把一个孩子培养好,都要花好大功夫,又不是养20条小金鱼。”
- People who cannot have a baby of their own sometimes foster a child. 不能生育的人有时领养别人的孩子。
- to foster a child 养育孩子
- Works closely with the customer to foster a strong working relationship. 经常接触客户以培养和维护良好的合作关系;
- The captain did his best to foster a sense of unity among the new recruits. 队长尽力培养新成员之间的团结精神。
- From a child, he do not like to eat vegetable. 从小时候起他就不喜欢吃蔬菜。
- The project would be a tool to foster a healthy sashimi tuna market. 专案将以促进生鱼片金枪鱼市场健康为目的。
- It takes dozens of years to foster a person,takesa few days to ruin him. 培养一个人需要几十年的时间,但毁掉一个人只需要几天的时间。
- As a child she was sent to six different schools. 她儿时前後上过六所学校。
- From a child, he does not like to eat vegetables. 从小时候起他就不喜欢吃蔬菜。
- A child should learn to tell it as it is. 孩子应该学会实事求是地讲话。
- P-is a powerful aid to foster attachments. 性情相近对于感情的培养大有帮助。
- The persistent inability to conceive a child. 不孕持续的不能怀孕的能力
- Members have also mentioned the need to foster a business friendly environment. I fully agree with this. 议员亦提到需要缔造有利的营商环境,这点我绝对同意。
- But is he prepared to foster a new culture that offers a new deal twixt media and Government? 坚持中国特色社会主义的政治发展道路,坚持中国共产党的领导,决不搞西方的三权分立和多党制;
- Ostensibly to bail out the newspaper industry but also to foster a life-long habit of learning. 法国这么做表面上是在拯救报业,但也是会为了培养人们终身学习的习惯。