- to embank a river 筑堤断流
- Low-lying alluvial land adjacent to a river. 低洼地,滩地与河流邻接的低洼冲积地带
- John is very lucky to have latch onto the office with a river view. 约翰非常幸运,占了一间能看到河的办公室。
- After they passed the forest,they came to a river. 他们穿过那个树林后,便来到一条河边。
- They came to a river and wondered how to get over. 他们来到一条河边,不知如何过河。
- A canyon usually has a river flowing through it. 峡谷常常有河流经过其中。
- They went on and on till they came to a river. 他们走啊, 走啊, 一直走到河边。
- He pulled a would-be suicide out of a river. 他将一位自杀未遂者从河里拖上来。
- After they passed the forest, they came to a river. 他们穿过那个树林后,便来到一条河边。
- We were bid to a river party-not to be preached at. 我们是被请来参加游河,可不是来听道的
- A river winding through a valley. 在山谷中蜿蜒的河流
- A sharp bend in a river or road. 急弯处河流或道路的急拐弯处
- The breaking up of ice in a river. 解冻指河里的冰破裂
- They continued until they came to a river. 他们继续往前一直来到河边。
- If you aren't a river, then try to be a brook. 如果你不是河流,那你就试着当好一条小溪;
- He went on and on till he came to a river. 他一直往前走到了一条河边才停下来。
- Is there such a river to follow? 有这样的河吗?
- Chiuyuan jumped into a river to commit suicide. 屈原跳河自杀了。
- A plain bordering a river and subject to flooding. 漫滩位于河边的、易被洪水淹没的平地
- embank a river 修筑河堤