- The merits of infrastructure investment are the latest to come under scrutiny. 最近受到详细检验的是基础设施投资所带来的价值。
- If trivialities in our daily lives still have to come under scrutiny by the authorities,it will be hard for us to point an accusing finger at those who are thinking of leaving. They may just want to exercise fully their freedom of choice. 如果连生活中的琐事也要受到严刑峻法的管制,那我们也不能苛刻地指责萌生离去念头的国人,他们也只不过是想充分地享受到选择的权力。
- If trivialities in our daily lives still have to come under scrutiny by the authorities, it will be hard for us to point an accusing finger at those who are thinking of leaving. They may just want to exercise fully their freedom of choice. 如果连生活中的琐事也要受到严刑峻法的管制,那我们也不能苛刻地指责萌生离去念头的国人,他们也只不过是想充分地享受到选择的权力。
- Yet, the Chevrolet was not the only car to come under Euro NCAP's scrutiny. 不过,雪佛兰并不是惟一没能通过欧洲NCAP审查的汽车。
- to come under scrutiny 受到密切注意
- Those who are ethnic Tamils can be expected to come under further scrutiny in high security zones. 在高度戒备的地区,少数民族泰米尔人会受到进一步的盘查。
- The music tastes of US President George W Bush have come under scrutiny after an aide revealed the playlist of his new iPod player. "没有黑人音乐家;没有同性恋音乐家;也没有流行音乐;只有一位女歌手;没有历史少于25年的音乐流派;也没有甲壳虫乐队的歌.;"
- As GTL projects come under closer scrutiny, some projects scheduled to come on stream by 2009 or 2011 could very likely be delayed as much into as far as into 2015. 由于正处于最后的详细调查阶段,一些原计划 2009 或 2011 年成型的 GTL 工程,很可能要延迟到 2015 年了。
- Management pay has come under scrutiny in Germany because many of the country's largest companies, including Siemens, have been pushing through sweeping measures to cut labour costs. 管理层薪酬在德国已引起关注,因为包括西门子在内,德国许多最大型企业正在全力推行大范围削减劳动力成本的措施。
- To come under the hammer means to go on sale at an auction. 将要落锤就是将在拍卖会上被卖出的意思。
- Those channels normally deliver water to crops, and diverting the flow to aid dead and dying wetlands is coming under scrutiny. 这些水渠通常为庄稼送水,而分配水流以协助死亡和干涸的湿地正在受到认真的评估。
- High subsidies in new EU states come under scrutiny 欧盟新成员国高额补贴遭调查
- Now, it seems, it is the turn of football to come under the state's aegis. 不出意外,现在轮到了足球驶入国家庇护港。
- Najaf was the third of Iraq's 18 provinces to come under local control. 纳杰夫省是伊拉克18个省份中第三个由伊军接管安全控制权的省份。
- It is never wise to come between a man and his wife. 干预人家夫妇间的事是不智的。
- I can't get this screw to come out of the wall. 我无法把这颗螺丝钉从墙上取出。
- A police patrol boat hailed to us to come to. 警察局的一艘巡逻艇招呼我们停下。
- She took the huff and went to come other store. 她恼了,去了另一家商店。
- Jim is a warmhearted person to come and go upon. 吉姆是个热心人,可以信赖。
- The contents of the late duke's house are due to come under the hammer next week. 前公爵房子里的东西定于下周拍卖。