- He'll come to a bad end one of these days. 他总有一天会遭到恶报的。
- I know you are despair for the leave of Miss Lary, but I'd to say this is the worst way to end one's life. 我知道您对于拉莉小姐的离开很绝望,但是我不得不说一句,这真是最差的自杀方法了。
- Euthanasia presents varies of moral issues since it means that take active measures to end one's life. 安乐死提出了很多道德问题,因为它意味着要采取主动措施结束人的生命。
- The European Union has initialed an agreement to end one of the world's longest-running trade disputes over bananas. 欧盟最终达成协议,终止了世界上历时最长的香蕉贸易争端。
- The boys were itching for the lesson to end. 那些男孩子们渴望下课。
- To the vast majority of boys who attend our public schools a classical education is from beginning to end one long useless, meaningless rigmarole. 我无法相信这个制度是好的,甚至是合理的,因为它把唯有少数特权人物和天才人物才能欣赏的东西,一古脑儿摆在很不情愿又很不理解的人民大众面前。
- Put the two tables end to end over by the window. 把这两张桌子连接起来放在窗子旁边。
- Now that there is one, the eavesdropper’s days may be numbered. 目前这样的装置还只有一台,但窃听者的末日屈指可数了。
- Non-union labour was used to end the strike. 雇用了没参加工会的工人以结束罢工行动。
- He settled down there to end his days in quiet. 他在那里安居下来,平平静静地度过他的余生。
- He trod the room from end to end. 他从房间的这一头走到那一头。
- The boys were itching to the lesson to end. 那些男孩子急切地等著下课。
- I've read the book from beginning to end. 我把这本书从头到尾看完了。
- Something is bound to happen one way or another to end the conflict or solve the problem. 事情一定以某种方式发生以结束冲突或解决难题。
- The name would stick for the rest of Rivera’s days. 当他奔跑的时候他甚至像是在草皮上漂过。”
- If you laid all our laws end to end, there will be no end. 尽管把我们的全部法律头尾相接地排成一列,仍不见得有尽头。
- He'll come to a sticky end one of these days if he carries on like that. 如果他继续这样,总有一天会落得个可悲的下场。
- Afflictions in this life are actually ‘bodhisattvas' to end one's karma of past lives . Affliction is seed of unsurpassable Bodhi .Face the tempers and afflictions with joy and gratitude . 今生的烦恼,实际是“了我们前世业的菩萨”。烦恼即是成就无上菩提的种子。应以喜乐和感恩来应对脾气和烦恼。
- The President had a clear mandate to end the war. 总统得到明确的授权结束那场战争。
- She knows physiology from beginning to end. 她对生理学这门学科了如指掌。