- title deed for a house 房契
- The title deed for the house bears date November 5,1988. 房契签署的日期是1988年11月5日。
- The title deed for the house bears date November5, 1988. 房契签署的日期是1988年11月5日。
- The title deed for the house bears date November 5, 1988. 房契签署的日期是1988年11月5日。
- Many a woman sighs for a house of her own. 很多女人都渴望有自己的房子。
- It takes time for a house to acquire that lived-in appearance. 一幢子要弄成那种舒适、安定的家的模样,得花一段时间。
- We will loan you if you have stocks or a title deed of a house to pledge as a mortage. 如果你在股票或房地产做抵押,我们就会给你贷款。
- I'm saving up for a house for my family. 我正在为家人存钱买一栋房子。
- We're looking for a house to rent for the summer. 我们正在找一所房子想租一个夏天。
- Our hunt for a house is at last at an end. 我们找房子的事情终于有了结果。
- Many years ago, Mandi went around in those villages out of the way collecting title deed for land. 十几年前,壹霖开始狂走偏僻村落,收罗地契古书。
- This is a nice spot for a house. 这里是建房的好地方。
- The new couple are looking for a house to live in. 这对新婚夫妇正在找房子住。
- We are looking for a house to rent for the winter. 我们正在找一所房子,想租一个冬天。
- title deed (for a house) 房契
- When the title deeds for land and debt contracts were thrown into the fire,the former serfs danced around the blaze. 当旧的地契、债约被扔进火堆时,昔日的农奴们围着火堆跳起舞蹈。
- Many a women sighs for a house of her own . 许多妇女都渴望有一幢属于自己的房子。
- We didn't have the money for a house. 我们没有买房子的钱。
- We're looking for a house to rent for the winter. 我们正在找一所房子,想租一个冬天。
- He must be of unsound mind to pay so much for a house that is practically falling down. 他一定疯了,竟然花那么多钱去购买一幢实际上快要倒塌的房子。