- The climber fell from a great height. 攀登者从极高的地方坠落下来。
- Did you remember to tip the porter? 你记得给搬运工小费了吗?
- That wheelbarrow is top-heavy; it'll tip over. 那辆单轮手推车重心不稳,会翻倒。
- The twins are unequal in height. 这一对孪生儿高矮不一样。
- A canoe will sometimes tip over quickly. 独木舟有时一下子会翻掉。
- From a precipitous height we look at the town spread out below. 我们从险峻的高处眺望铺展在下面的城镇。
- The total height is put at390 feet. 整个高度估计为390英尺。
- I have her name on the tip of my tongue. 她的名字就在我嘴边,却说不出来。
- She can see over the wall because of her height. 她个子高,能看到墙的那一边。
- He always has some money at the tip of his fingers. 他手头总有些钱。
- Don't lean on the table or it'll tip up. 别倚桌子,不然就倚倒了。
- Pop was at its height in the early 1960s. 通俗艺术在二十世纪六十年代初最为流行。
- The tree grew to a height of 20 feet. 那树长到二十英尺高。
- I have her name at the tip of my tongue. 她的名字就在我嘴边,却说不出来。
- His house is located on the tip of the peninsula. 他的房子位于半岛的顶端。
- Can you guess the height of the tree? 你能猜出这树的高度吗?
- He erected himself to full height. 他把身子挺直。
- The waitress received a handsome tip. 女侍者收到了数量可观的小费。
- It is customary to tip the waiter. 给侍者小费是一种习俗。
- He has grown both in height and weight. 他身高和体重都增加了。