- tip edge托槽 tip edge bracket
- 托 to hold in one's hand
- 槽 manger
- 双托槽 twin bracket
- 托架 bracket
- 插槽 slot
- 线槽 wire chase
- 托板 splint
- 受托人 trustee
- 卡槽 neck
- 开槽 notch
- 槽的 groovy
- 滑槽 runner
- edge bowl (无槽法生产平板玻璃) 碗形边型器
- 四种黏结方法在离体氟斑牙上正畸托槽黏结强度实验研究 The experimental investigation of shear bond strength for four kinds of methods on orthodontic bonding on mottled enamel
- 彩色托槽 archwire
- 托槽定位 bracket positioning
- 托槽 bracket
- Lang托槽 Lang bracket
- Lewis托槽 Lewis bracket