- 蓄电池 storage battery
- floating rate (蓄电池的) 浮充率
- time discharge rate(蓄电池) 定时放电率
- 铅酸蓄电池 lead-acid battery
- chirp-rate调制 chirp-rate modulation
- 蓄电池组 accumulator battery
- tap rate (证券) 时价行情
- respiratory rate 呼吸率 RR.
- 这家工厂去年已改产蓄电池。 The plant changed over to the manufacture of storage batteries last year.
- rate payer (英国) 纳地方税人
- feed rate (焊丝的) 送进速度
- 极板网栅,蓄电池电极板蓄电池中呈波纹状或有孔的导电板 A corrugated or perforated conducting plate in a storage battery.
- distance rate (电话) 按距收费率
- 替我把汽车上的蓄电池充一下电好吗? Charge up my car battery, will you?
- forge rate (摩擦焊时) 顶锻变形速度
- 爱迪生蓄电池 edison accumulator
- measured rate (电位) 按次计费率
- 铅蓄电池 lead storage battery
- (=sedimentation rate) 沉降率 sed.rt.
- 给这个蓄电池充电要用多少时间? How long will it take to charge up the batter?