- thrust their nose into vt. 干涉(探听)
- They shall not poke their nose into his affairs any more. 他们不应该再干预他的事啦。
- Because of poking their nose into other people’s business, they displeased the girl, Lin yue’ru, who became Li’s quarrelsome lover. 一个幻想成为剑侠的年轻人李逍遥在凑巧遇见了神秘女孩赵灵儿,于是一起踏上寻找了她双亲的征途。
- Some nosy people should stop poking their noses into her divorce. (那些爱管閒事的人,应该停止干预她的离婚。)
- But some other people would certainly gossip about it, those who like to poke their noses into everything! 不过肯定会有人指责这件事儿,有人就爱管闲事儿!
- Ten days after they first poked their noses into the frigid air, mom leads the way. They'll never return to that den. 在它们第一次将鼻子伸入寒冷的空气中十天后,妈妈带头启程了。它们再也不会回到那个窝了。
- The market for executive temps is so buoyant that even old warhorses of recruiting, such as Heidrick & Struggles, are sticking their noses into it. 那些奉行此道没有“灵活会议室”、“人才培养准时制”的公司并不被认为有什么大不了。
- Even after they have been transferred to other places,such people still interfere in the work of their original units and keep poking their noses into it. 有些人调走了,还干预原来单位的工作,还去插手。
- Even after they have been transferred to other places, such people still interfere in the work of their original units and keep poking their noses into it. 有些人调走了,还干预原来单位的工作,还去插手。
- thrust their nose in vt. 干涉(探听)
- They had to thrust their way through the crowd. 他们不得不挤过人群。
- They thrust their way through the crowd. 他们从人群中挤过去。
- Don't go poking your nose into other people's business! 少管闲事!
- I never thrust my nose into other men's porridge. It is no bread and butter of mine. 我从不把鼻子插进人家的稀粥里。那不是我的黄油面包。
- They thrust their way through the crowd in a rude way. 他们从人群中粗暴地挤过。
- The critics looked down their noses at the novel. 这些评论家们都轻视这部小说。
- Don't nose into other people's affairs. 别干涉他人的事。
- I don't want to poke my nose into your affairs. 我不想干预你们的事。
- Poplars thrusting their branches upward; thrust out his finger. 白杨的枝干向上生长; 他伸出了一个指头
- Don't poke your nose into my affairs. 请不要干预我的事。