- Everybody threw up their hands in horror at the destruction caused by the hurricane. 人们对飓风造成的破坏惊恐无措。
- When she said she wanted to get a motorbike, her parents threw up their hands in horror. 她说想要辆摩托车时,她父母吓了一大跳。
- throw up their hands in horror vi. 惊慌失措(束手无策)
- threw up their hands in horror v. 惊慌失措(束手无策)
- thrown up their hands in horror v. 惊慌失措(束手无策)
- She threw up her hands in horror at the idea. 她听到那个主意吓得把手都举了起来。
- My mother threw up her hands in horror. 我母亲惊恐绝望。
- She threw up her hands in horror. 她吓得举起了双手。
- She threw up her hands in horror . 她吓得举起了双手。
- Our enemy held up their hands in token of surrender. 我们的敌人举起手来表示投降。
- throw up their hands in despair vi. 绝望(认输)
- The crowd threw up their hands(= lifted them into the air)in dismay. 群众沮丧地举起双手。
- She threw up her arms in horror. 她惊恐得向上举起手臂。
- People may do no more than elevate their eyebrows in astonishment, laugh sarcastically, lift up their hands in protest. 人们对于这种事情,总不过皱眉以示惊异,冷笑以示讥嘲,扬手以示抗议罢了。
- threw up their hands in despair v. 绝望(认输)
- She flung up her hands in horror on hearing about the murder. 她一听说暗杀就吓得不得了。
- Those who are in favour please hold up their hands. 如果赞成,请举手。
- Those in favour please put up their hands. 赞成的请举手。
- throw up her hands in horror vi. 惊慌失措(束手无策)
- They gave up their holiday to lend a hand in the work. 他们放弃了假日来帮助进行这项工作。