- The crowd threw up their hands(= lifted them into the air)in dismay. 群众沮丧地举起双手。
- Everybody threw up their hands in horror at the destruction caused by the hurricane. 人们对飓风造成的破坏惊恐无措。
- When she said she wanted to get a motorbike, her parents threw up their hands in horror. 她说想要辆摩托车时,她父母吓了一大跳。
- throw up their hands vt. 认输(失败;绝望)
- throw up their hands in despair vi. 绝望(认输)
- throw up their hands in horror vi. 惊慌失措(束手无策)
- Those who are in favour please hold up their hands. 如果赞成,请举手。
- Those in favour please put up their hands. 赞成的请举手。
- They threw up their caps to show greeting to us. 他们把帽子抛起来,表示对我们的欢迎。
- Our enemy held up their hands in token of surrender. 我们的敌人举起手来表示投降。
- The students put up their hands when they know the answer. 学生们知道答案时就举手。
- Those who agree to this plan please put up their hands. 同意这个计划的, 请举手。
- They have not only lifted up their heads but taken power into their hands. 不但伸起头,而且掌权了。
- The pupils all put up their hands when the teacher asks them questions. 当老师提问题时学生们都举起了手。
- When they heard the news they threw up their caps for joy. 他们听到这消息时,高兴得扔起了帽子。
- When they wash their hands they will learn how to roll up their sleeves. 洗手时会自己卷起衣袖。
- The strong smell made me throw up. 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。
- At the mention of a two-day holiday,the boys threw up their caps and shouted. 一说放两天假,男孩们欣喜若狂地把帽子抛起,欢呼起来。
- He had to throw up his whole plan. 他只得放弃整个计划。
- When they wash their hands, they should know how to roll up their sleeves and use hand soap. 洗手时长袖变短袖,不忘使用洗手液。