- throw up our cap vt. 抛帽子表示狂欢
- threw up our cap v. 抛帽子表示狂欢
- thrown up our cap v. 抛帽子表示狂欢
- As kids, we would throw up our beat up sneakers and try to hang them on telephone poles or electrical wires. 作为孩子,我们会投掷我们打运动鞋和尝试垂悬他们在电话柱或电线。
- The strong smell made me throw up. 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。
- He had to throw up his whole plan. 他只得放弃整个计划。
- Higher living costs have swallowed up our pay rise. 上涨的生活费用已经抵销了我们增加的工资。
- We've kept up our friendship for over 20 years. 我们的友谊已经持续了二十多年。
- The protracted rain spell has completely mucked up our plans. 长时期的下雨把我们的计划全打乱了。
- Let's sum up our experience before going on. 在继续做之前我们先来总结一下经验吧。
- She completely cocked up our trip. 她把我们的旅行搞得一团糟。
- Our laptops throw up screensavers in the middle of presentations. 笔记型电脑在简报中跳出萤幕保护程式;
- The increase in travel cost swallow up our pay increase. 旅行费用的增加耗尽了我们的工资增长。
- We're having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments. 我们难以继续支付分期偿还的抵押贷款。
- This smell is enough to make you throw up. 这种气味令人呕吐。
- The change in the weather have muck up our sports timetable. 天气的变化打乱了我们运动比赛的日程。
- That's the last time in trying,I throw up my hands! 这是我最后一次尝试;我服输了。
- In the event of failure we must wind up our business. 万一失败,我们须将这事业停止。
- She also throws up to me the time I get drunk. 她还反复向我提我那次喝醉酒的事情。
- I would throw up the sponge and walk out. 我赌气而走。