- Thrift is the basement of richness. 节约是富裕的基础。
- thrift intermediary 储蓄机构
- She learned from her father the virtues of hard work and thrift. 她从她父亲身上学到苦干和节俭的美德。
- Industry and thrift favor success. 勤劳和节俭有助于成功。
- Thrift is engrafted in his character. 他已经节俭成性。
- We must not equate thrift with stinginess. 我们不能把勤俭和吝啬等同起来。
- His success was due to his industry and thrift. 他取得成功是由于他的勤俭。
- Analogy and association are intermediary thinking. 类比和联想是中介思维的主要形式。
- Industry and thrift lead to wealth. 勤俭致富。
- I found a part-time job through a intermediary. 我通过中介找到了一份兼职。
- A businessman must wed efficiency to thrift. 企业家必须于效率兴节约相结合。
- Negotiation through intermediary undesirous. 不希望通过仲裁解决。
- To act as an intermediary;mediate. 调解充当调解人;调解
- Are you to pass intermediary to deal with? 你是通过中介办理吗?
- Secondly, thrift is a habit of outstanding artists. 二、优秀的艺术家都善于节约。
- That female should be intermediary. 那个女的应该是中介的.
- Thrift has become the prevailing practice. 节约成风。
- To act as an intermediary; mediate. 调解充当调解人;调解
- To begin to exercise thrift and frugality. 开始实施勤俭节约
- So the website can link partial intermediary only. 所以网站只能链接到部分中介。