- thing right registration 物权登记
- Exotic pets are the in thing right now. 外国宠物眼下很时髦。
- They are the "in" thing right now in optical?wear. 它们是时下正流行的光学用品。
- Do right thing and do thing right. 做对的事情;将事情做对.
- Bob, can you ever do a thing right? 鲍勃,你就无所不能做对一件事吗?
- A pretty young thing right here to rock the mic. 您浏览了太多的页面,所以您无法看到该页的内容...
- Do the right thing...Do the thing right... 因为搞房地产的不少都已从政了。。。
- Put the tea things right in the middle of the table. 把茶具放在桌子正中。
- Thanks for making every thing right! Merry Christmas! 谢谢你做的每件事情。圣诞快乐。
- Do the right thing! Not only do things right! 做对的事,而不仅仅是把事情做对。
- He says the funniest things right off the cuff. 他随口就能说出些笑话。
- It takes less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong. 把一件事情做得妥妥当当,比解释做错的理由还要省时间。
- Get things right each and every time. 小心工作,避免犯错。
- And I want these words to make things right. 希望由衷之言能让事情顺心如意。
- He wants to make things right between us. 他想处理好我们之间的关系。
- Here's your chance to set things right. 现在你有机会来纠正了!
- Something I earn when I do things right ? 是我做对了事情的所得报酬吗?
- Do the right things , do the things right ! 有时候,高档的地方不见得就贵。
- You may pay taxes after the housing transaction has been verified, usually after 7 working days since the date of the issue of the Property Right Registration Acceptance Form. 房屋产权交易审核通过后可以交税,一般是产权登记受理单开具的7个工作日之后。
- That was the most important thing we did to set things right. 这是最根本的拨乱反正。