- their infant son 他们幼小的儿子
- Alia's parents recognized very early that their infant daughter was bright. 不过对纽约市的艾莉亚?沙伯而言,学习简直易如反掌。
- A snake, having made his hole close to the porch of a cottage, inflicted a mortal bite on the Cottager's infant son. 蛇在一间小屋的门廊附近打洞筑巢。小屋主人的幼子被蛇咬了一口,不治去世。
- A SNAKE, having made his hole close to the porch of a cottage, inflicted a mortal bite on the Cottager’s infant son. 一条毒蛇在农场主的房舍门廊附近打洞藏身。一天,它爬出来咬了农场主的儿子致命一口。
- Elizabeth too when she heard it, took her infant son and went up into a mountain and hid him. 伊莉莎白也一样,当她听到消息后,带着她的婴儿进了一座山,将他藏了起来。
- Some parents exercise their infants. 一些父母经常锻炼孩子。
- In 1982 he started at the Dean Witter training program.By this time he was sharing custody of an infant son. 我写东西,在参加新概念之前,是为了参加新概念而写的;
- Sometimes Einstein stays there through dinner, and Mileva has to come get him, toting their infant. 爱因斯坦有时在那儿吃晚饭,米列娃还得带着孩子来叫他。
- The belief was a favorite one with our forefathers, as betokening that their infant commonwealth was under a celestial guardianship of peculiar intimacy and strictness. 我们的先祖笃信这类事情倒是好事,因为这说明,他们的新生的共和国,是在天意的格外垂青和严格监视之下的。
- When I experienced my first intrusivethoughts -- about smothering my infant son with the burpcloth -- Ihad never heard of such things. 当我第一次有侵入性思维时想用我的衣服闷死我的儿子,这是我从来没有过的想法。
- A thief took off with a SUV parked in front of a Richmond laundrymat after a mom left the keys inside along with her infant son. 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!
- The care allowance is hence included as deductible to enable the applicant and his her spouse to continue to work, with their infant dependant taken care of during their absence. 把照顾开支列为可扣除的项目,便可让申请人和其配偶继续工作,而在他们离家上班时,受供养的幼年人也可得到照顾。
- Now pregnant with her second child, Lepine says she is taking a different approach with a healthier diet and participating in new form of exercise with her infant son. 蕾比娜现在正怀着她的第二个孩子。她说,这次她将采用一种完全不同的办法,主要是健康饮食,并和她的小儿子一起做新的锻炼。
- Many parents will bathe their infants with gentle soap. 许多父母用温和的肥皂为新生儿洗澡。
- The 34-year-old mother of three found herself constantly stuffing diapers for her infant son into freezer bags to keep them from getting scrunched up in her purse. 她34岁,是三个孩子的妈妈。她发现她要不停地从还是婴孩的儿子身上换下尿布,然后放进冷冻包里,这样才不会糟践了她的钱包。
- Half of parents have screamed,yelled,or shouted in rage at their infants. 有一半的家长曾对婴儿大声叫嚷或生气地呵斥。
- It doesn't have the poignancy of the stories of Lamar Odom, Trevor Ariza and Fisher, who have lost an infant son, a brother and watched a daughter battle eye cancer, respectively. 也不仅仅是对喇嘛,扎扎,老鱼心酸血泪史的犒劳(他们一个丧失幼子,一个失去了哥哥,一个眼睁睁看着女儿的眼癌);
- The care allowance recognizes that for reason of employment, an applicant and his her spouse would be unable to take personal care of their infant dependant who live with them. 设立照顾开支的豁免项目,是理解到申请人和其配偶因受雇工作而未能亲自照顾同住的受供养幼年人。
- Jin came after the curved beam (Lucheng northern) and Lu army in a fierce battle, killing Shu-feng, the infant son arrested Lu, Lushun shou qian yang out of the country. 晋军来到之后,在曲梁(潞城北部)与潞国军队激战一场,杀了丰舒,把潞子婴儿抓去,顺手牵羊灭了潞国。
- Parents feel helpless as the instinct to feed their infant een more milk - usually the infant's sole food source - compounds rather than soles the problem. 家长们孤立无助,不想去解决问题,而只是本能地喂给孩子更多牛奶---通常这是婴儿唯一的食物来源。