- This arrangement surs him to the turn of a hair. 这样的安排对他完全合适。
- This arrangement suits him to the turn of a hair. 这样的安排对他完全合适。
- I missed the approaching car by a turn of a hair. 我差点儿被一辆迎面而来的小车撞着。
- A slope in the turn of a road or track. 路或轨道的有坡度的一面。
- He was taken aback by the turn of events. 事件的发展令他措手不及。
- People turn to mysticism at the turn of a millennium. 千年来临时,人们开始求助于神秘论。
- to the turn of a hair adv. 丝毫不差地
- Her plans were discombobulated by the turn of events. 她的计画因为事件的变化而陷於混乱。
- the turn of a hair adj. 丝毫不差
- A period or turn of duty, as at the helm of a ship. (轮值或值班的一班)值班的时间或轮换,如在轮船的舵旁的值班
- People turn to mysticism at the turn of a millenium. 人们在新世纪转向神秘主义。
- I don't like the turn of the sentence. 我可不喜欢这句话的措词。
- For Napoleon the turn of the tied came soon after he divorced Josephine. 对拿破仑来说,他与约瑟芬离婚不久形势就急转直下了。
- These two men are notable thugs, both of a hair. 这两个人都是有名的恶棍,是一路货色。
- She got ill at the turn of the season. 她在换季时病了。
- These two men are notable thugs,both of a hair. 这两个人都是有名的恶棍,是一路货色。
- The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide. 最低朝就是高潮的开始。
- The temper of a woman is generally formed from the turn of her features. 女人脾气往往随面貌而定。
- Dating all the way back to the turn of the century. 可以追溯到世纪之初。
- He was born at the turn of the century. 他是本世纪初出生的。