- On the theory of language holograph? 何为语言全息论?
- the theory of language games 语言游戏说
- In his later philosophy, Wittgenstein has successfully treated the philosophical pathology with his theory of language games. 在他的后期哲学中,维特根斯坦通过对语言游戏论的论述实现了对于哲学病的有效诊治。
- Later, in order to eliminate people's misunderstanding of the paradox, Wittgenstein explained the law of compliance with his theory of language game and its methodology. 对此悖论,克里普克等人分别从怀疑论等角度提出了各自的解读方案。
- Researchers have drawn upon the theory of games. 研究人员引用了对策论。
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- Humanistic studies are never based on the theory of knowledge which is founded on the theory of language centrality. 人文研究从不以由语言中心论为基础的知识论为本,作为唯逻辑论的理论主义更是人类文明的陷阱。
- The theory of communicative language testing as advocated by Lyle F Bachman has great influence in the field of language testingworldwide. Bachman的交际法语言测试对全球的语言教学和语言测试领域产生了很大的影响。
- Just as Bloomfield once said in the Theory of the Language, " regional difference of language in the one area , people the aware one at first and the most sensitive". 正如布龙菲尔德在《语言论》中所说的“一个区域内各地语言的差异,却是人们首先觉察的而且是最敏感的”。
- Language teaching practice and the theory of language teachin g approach demonstrate that it is improper to abandon grammar-translation teaching approach. 语言教学的实践和语言教学法的理论说明不宜完全废弃语法及翻译教学法。
- A specialist in the theory of education. 教育家教育理论方面的专家
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- Einstein advanced the theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的理论。
- The theory of linear economic models gale d. 线性经济模型理论。
- The concentration in linguistics and cognitive science is designed to give students a foundation in the theory of language and its relationship to allied fields of inquiry. The concentration emphasize. 美国布兰迪斯大学语言与认知科学项目。
- Analysis on the theory of the EFP. 财政政策有效性理论剖析。
- An Analytical Inquiry into Wittgenstein's "Theory of Language Game" 维特根斯坦"语言游戏说"探析
- What is the theory of the Five Elements? 什么是五行学说?
- This paper,guided by the theory of unfamiliarity,makes an analysis of Joy Chou?s style of language usage in his words of songs with break through traditional human thought and his brand-new exotic changeabilty of appreciation to people. 本文主要是从陌生化理论入手,分析在周杰伦歌词中那些突破人们大脑思维传统形式并且给人们带来全新的审美效果的新奇多变的语言表达方式。
- I believe in the theory of evolution. 我对进化论深信不疑。