- The main content of Marcuse's art function view is that the social function of art lies in the form derived from content. 摘要马尔库塞的艺术功能观的内容主要表现为:艺术的社会功能在于由内容转化而来的形式。
- As he pointed out in 1936, “technological reproducibility emancipates the work of art from its parasitical subservience to ritual” and this emancipation politicizes the social function of art (3:106). 正如1936年他曾指出,“技术可复制性将艺术作品从礼仪的依附性中解脱出来”,这种解放使得艺术的社会功能政治化(3:106)。
- the social functions of art 艺术的社会功用
- This paper will attempt to study the social functions of media through the case study of Tsunami around Indian Ocean in December2004. 本文将通过对大众媒介在2004年12月发生的印度洋海啸灾难事件中扮演的角色分析,来考察大众媒介在现代社会所发挥的社会功能。
- The social function of patriotism education needs to be supported and manifested by its individual function. 爱国主义教育的社会功能需要由个体功能来支撑和体现。
- The social function of law is a more complicated and significant issue compared with its function of formulization. 相对于法律的规范功能而言,法律的社会功能是一个更为复杂、更为重要的问题。
- On the Social Function of Dance Art 浅论舞蹈艺术的社会功能
- With thought years of heritage and aberrance,the social function of the Mazu belief culture evolutes and differentiates. 在千年历史的传承和变异中,妈祖信仰文化的社会功能不断得以分化和演进。
- On the Social Function of Fine Art Education 论美术教育的社会性功能
- Finally, chapter four scrutinizes the social function of these traditional dramas, all with the miser as the main character in the story. 论文理出,戏曲艺术将吝啬鬼形象深刻化,从中折射出中国文化的特性,尤其是市井文化。
- The social function of the system of reeducation through labor has changed from arranging employment to maintaining the social peace and order. 劳动教养的社会功能也相应的由最初的安置就业过渡到目前的维护社会治安秩序。
- Such constituencies were classified according to the social functions of various trades in Hong Kong, and each elector was either an individual or a constituency voter. 所谓功能团体是根据香港各行各业的社会功能细分为许多不同的功能团体界别,选民则分为团体选民及个人选民两种。
- This is the social function of Buddhism.In line with such educational principle, the Sangha education at the monastery has certain outstanding characteristics as listed below. 在如斯的教育宗旨下,多宝讲寺的僧教育,就有一些显著的特色,今条而陈之。
- It is one of the functions of art to bring order out of chaos. 艺术的功能之一就是在呈现纷乱中的和谐。
- Does the Macao Museum of Art have a positive social function? 澳门艺术馆是否有一个积极的社会作用?
- The City Statute elaborated on the principle of the “social function of property and of the city”, thus replacing the individualistic paradigm of the 1916 Civil Code. 城市法令详细说明了“财产及城市的社会作用”的原则,从而代替了1916年民法的个人主义范例。
- He revealed to his country-people the social function of sciences from two perspectives: materialistic technology and ideological culture and formed his unique standpoint. 他从物质技术和思想文化两个方面向国人揭示了科学的社会功能,形成了独特的观点。
- The function of art is to convey inner ideas,feelings,and images. 艺术的作用是要传达内在的思想,情感和意象。
- For a long time,confined by the prejudice of“Leftism”,people used to emphasize the negative aspect of the social function of religion to the neglect of its positive aspect. 长期以来,人们对于宗教的社会作用,常常囿于“左”的偏见,只看到它的消极面,而否定或忽略它的积极面。
- Analyse the important function of the track and field sports in mass sports, Competition sports and development of sports industry and the social function embodied. 摘要剖析田径运动在群众体育、竞技体育及体育产业发展中的重要作用,所体现的社会功能。