- United midfielder Chris Eagles will spend the next four months overseas after signing for NEC Nijmegen on loan. 曼联中场球员伊格斯已经租借到NEC奈梅亨,为期四个月。
- It snowed almost every day for the next four months, while I sat on the couch and watched it pile up. 之后的四个月,差不多每个月都在下雪,而我就坐在沙发上,看着雪一点点堆积起来。
- For the next four months, Ismon fiddled with various ratios of caramel, cooked milk, and sweetness "notes. 在接下来的四个月里,爱斯曼不断筛选焦糖、牛奶和甜度的不同比例。
- He feels that the flow of export orders and increase in demand in the T&C industry is expected to increase not before the next four months of the FY 09-10. 他认为,出口订单的和纺织服装行业需求增加,预计09-10财政年度后4个月出口会有所增加。
- What happened during the next four months, from the retreat from Shanghai to the fall of Nanking, should be recorded in history, as Friedrich von Logau put it, with a bayonet dipped in the ink of fresh blood upon the paper made from the skin of the enemy. 以后这四个月里的事,从上海撤退到南京陷落,历史该如洛高(Fr.;von Logau)所说,把刺刀磨尖当笔,蘸鲜血当墨水,写在敌人的皮肤上当纸。
- The central bank of China,PBOC,to restrain the overspeeding credits and investments,will increase the reserve rate twice,and increase interest rate twice,within the next four months. 央行在将近4个月的时间里先后两次提高存款准备金率,两次提高利率以抑制过快增长的货币信贷。
- That is our task for the next four years. 这就是今后四年我们的任务。
- I bury myself in work for the next four hours. 在下来的四个小时里,我埋头工作。
- Cast on three stitches at each end of the next four rows. 结以下四排时边上加放三针。
- the next four months 今后的四个月
- For the next four years he steamed up and down the Mississippi. 此后四年中,他往返航行于密西西比河上。
- Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends. 在之后的4年中,凯尔和我成了最要好的朋友。
- I spent the next four days handcuffed to my seat in 40-degree heat. 我花了今后四天手铐,以我的座位在40度高温。
- For the next four years he steamed up and down the Mississippi . 此后四年中,他往返航行于密西西比河上。
- T-ball games at the White House will take place each month during the baseball season for the next four years. T球运动会在下一个四年的棒球赛季每个月在白宫举行。
- The play by Zangwill, a London-born son of Russian Jewish immigrants who was a Zionist, made its debut in Washington in 1908 and played in New York for four months the next year. Zangwill出生在伦敦,是一位俄罗斯犹太人移民的儿子,其父亲是一个拥护犹太复国运动者。这部由Zangwill编导的戏剧1908年在华盛顿首次登台亮相,并且1909年在纽约演出了四个月。
- Hopefully over the next four years we can deliver a lot more trophies. 希望在接下来的四年里,我们可以为俱乐部带来更多奖杯。”
- That horse is a cinch to win the next race. 那匹马在下一场比赛中肯定赢。
- The fees nearly trebled in four months. 费用近乎在四个月翻了三倍。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。