- The programme technique of the middle layer software difference 中间层差分编程技术
- the programmer technique of the middle layer software difference 中间层差分技术编程
- the middle layer software 中间层软件
- The middle layer of these cookies is peanut butter. 这些饼乾中间的夹心是花生酱。
- The middle layer can be considered as a semi-confined layer. 经氢氧同位素组成的分析显示,此区地下水有浅、中、深的分层现象。
- As the middle layer in the CMIS, production scheduling is the key of the CIMS. 生产调度位于CIMS体系结构的中间层,是实施CIMS的关键。
- The middle, usually fleshy layer of a fruit wall. 中果皮果皮中间通常含肉较多的那一层
- Franco consists of three layers:the epidermis,the middle layer and the tapetum. Franco]小孢子囊壁包括 3层细胞 :表皮、中层和绒毡层。
- The middle layer and the tapetum cells are totally absorbed as nutrient at last. 中层和绒毡层细胞最终作为营养被全部吸收利用。
- The middle layer is a very important procedure for making the multialkali photocathode. 为解决这些问题,进行了含铂中间层二氧化铅阳极的研究。
- The middle layer of dense, irregular connective tissue shows how brightly collagen fibers can be stained with eosin. 中间显示的是细密不规则结缔组织,伊红将胶原纤维染成亮红色。
- I'm sick of being piggy in the middle all the time. 我腻烦了总是夹在争吵双方的中间。
- The rest escapes as sound waves, mechanical vibrations that heat the chromosphere, the middle layer of the sun's atmosphere. 其余部分则以声波即机械振动的形式散逸,它们加热了太阳大气的中间一层,即色球层。
- He planted roses in the middle of the garden. 他在花园中间种上玫瑰。
- Production scheduling is at the middle layer in the CMIS system structure, which is the joint of control and management. 生产调度位于CIMS体系结构中的中间层,是控制与管理一体化的接合部。
- It has its roots deep in the Middle Ages. 它起源于遥远的中世纪。
- A snail uses the exertions of pressure to change the characteristics of the middle layer, and thus lower the degree of friction, in order to move. 蜗牛为了运动,用尽压力来改变中层特性,从而减低摩擦的程度。
- My wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race. 我的车轮子在汽车比赛中途脱掉了。
- Meanwhile it is also found that the rutting depth in the middle layer accounts for more than 60% of the total rutting in the pavement. 中面层变形贡献率达到60%25以上,应该重视提高中面层的抗车辙能力;
- He was appointed the rector of the middle school. 他被任命为那所中学的校长。