- Any tools, including CASE tools, should be used only when using the tool is the option that provides the maximal value for your investment. 任何工具,包括CASE工具,应该仅仅用于以下这种情况:当使用该工具时,对于您的投资可以收到最大的回报。
- The maximal value about the general software is usability, including function, capability, stability, interaction etc.So, the perfect software can win the potential users furthest. 对于通用软件,最大的价值在于可用性,当然包括功能、性能、稳定性、用户交互性等多个方面,所有方面要面面俱到才能最大限度地争取潜在用户,可以说任何吹毛求疵的行为都不为过,一切以可用性为标准。
- Through mathematic integration a formula of volume-pressure relatonship asP=b/(1+Ce~(-Mv))(C and M are contants,b is the maximal value of ICP after thevolume increases continuously)was derived. 通过数学推导,提出颅内容积-压力关系的方程式:p=b/(1+Ce~(-Mv))(其中 C 和 M 为常数,b 为颅内压的峰值)。
- The maximal values appeared at 42HPI, there were 47 times, 11 times and 8 times for AST, ALT and LDH, respectively. 而接种后42小时的值达最高点,其中AST为正常值之47倍,ALT为正常值之11倍,而LDH则为正常值之8倍。
- Seeking the Maximal Value by Creating Variance 构造方差求最值
- Under all types of nutrient conditions, the smallest phytoplankton size yielded the maximal values of the ascendency, while the corresponding zooplankton size varied. 在所有类型的营养条件,规模最小的浮游植物产生最大价值的优势,而相应的浮游动物的大小各不相同。
- In this paper, According to the infection line method, the maximal values (sefflement, shear and moment) of the tunnel are calculated by using the theory of beams on elastic foundation. 本文根据弹性地基梁原理,采用计算各截面的影响线方法,按最不利情况加载,得到了最大的反应值(沉陷、剪力和弯矩)。
- The maximal DFS in patients was 123 months. 患者最长DFS为123个月。
- Atomic energy is the maximal source existent. 原子能是现存的最大的能源.
- This selects the maximal bitrate used for encoding. 28这会选择最大位元率来编码。
- It is the maxim of Ocean University. 这是海洋大学的校训啊。
- Oh, should the maxim be modified a little? 哦,莎翁的这句箴言是不是应当修改?
- This is one fills the male character the maxim. 这是一句充满阳刚之气的格言。
- There is a flow with maximal value which can be either finite or infinite. 也存在具有最大值的流,此最大值可以是有限的也可以是无限的。
- To find the longest GC pause we need only inspect the duration timings and look for the maximal value of 要找出最长的GC暂停,我们只需要查看持续时间并寻找
- Beijing zoo is the maximal zoo that I have visited. 北京动物园是我所参观过的最大的动物园。
- Please lay the maxim to your heart. 请把此格箴言记在心里。
- Drag the Maximize button to its window location. 将“最大化”按钮拖到它所在的窗口位置。
- You told the maxim go to the heaven. 你说过这格言可带去天堂。
- The quantity of bacteria and ECP arrived at a maximal value at 4% peptone in the medium, and protease production was steady at 2% peptone. 培养的菌体量与ECP蛋白含量,在培养基中蛋白胨浓度达4%25时达最高值,蛋白酶分泌量则在蛋白胨浓度为2%25时已稳定。