- the livery of woe n. 丧服
- While waiting, the occupant of the carriage surveyed the house, the garden as far as he could distinguish it, and the livery of servants who passed to and fro, with an attention so close as to be somewhat impertinent. 他一面等回报,一面观察着这座房子,而且观察得相当仔细,可以说多少已有点失礼了,但他所能看到的只有花园和那些来来往往穿制服的仆人。
- Affected by or full of woe; mournful. 充满悲哀的被痛苦感染或充满悲哀的; 凄惨的
- the livery of other men's opinions n. 借用别人的意见
- Hi inclined his ear to her tale of woe. 他倾听她讲述悲哀的故事。
- the livery of grief [woe] 丧服
- The river of woe, one of the five rivers of Hades. 冥河痛苦之河,为组成哈得斯河的五条河之一
- The river of woe,one of the five rivers of Hades. 冥河痛苦之河,为组成哈得斯河的五条河之一。
- He inclined his ear to her tale of woe. 他倾听她讲述悲哀的故事。
- She needed someone to listen to her tale of woe. 她需要有人听她述说悲惨的遭遇。
- Wednesday is child is full of woe. 星期三出生。
- Loyalty shines out in time of woe. 艰难的时候方能显出忠诚。
- livery of woe 丧服
- Crying "weep! weep!" in notes of woe! “扫呀,扫呀”在那里哭哭啼啼!
- Full of woe, my heart can never get consoled. 我的心里充满悲哀,永远得不到慰藉。
- The liveried swordman was surprised. 这是无可奈何同归于尽的打法,敌人若是继续进击,心窝必定中剑。
- He paused, for Stener's face had become a jelly-like mass of woe. 他停顿了一下,因为斯坦纳的面上堆起了一层愁苦的神色。
- The livery convention on Lexington Avenue occurs most every weekday. 几乎每个周间上课日,莱辛顿大道上都会出现这种司机接送的场面。
- the livery of one's opinion 借用其意见
- the livery of grief n. 丧服