- We have kept our fighters in the cantonment for the last five months. 过去5个月来,我们把我们的战士驻在营房里。
- Calm down? Calm down? You set me up with the woman that I've dumped twice in the last five months! 冷静?冷静?你竟然安排我和一个被我在五个月内甩了两次的人在一起!
- Chris, who had a pacemaker, had been transferred to four different facilities in the last five months of his life. 他有一台心脏起搏器,而且在前五个月被转移到四个不同地方生活。
- "I would like to say that I really over the last five months which happened very sorry. “我想说的是,我真的对在过去五个月时间当中发生的事感到非常抱歉。”
- Brazil said that deforestation in the Amazon reached a record rate in the last five months of 2007. 巴西说在亚马孙河的采伐森林在2007年最后五个月中到达了一个记录率。
- Owen missed the last five months of the Premiership season with a broken foot and was substituted in the early stages of Saturday's1-0 victory against Paraguay as well. 欧文因脚伤错过了5个月的英超联赛,并且在1:0战胜巴拉圭的比赛中被换下。
- This report would consolidate all the views which the Task Force had received in the last five months since the publication of the Third Report, he said. 这份报告会归纳自第三号报告公布后,专责小组在过去五个月所收到的全部意见。
- Driver gets 70 speeding tickets in 5 months As a mortgage broker in Arizona, Cisneros racked up 70 speeding tickets in the last five months, police said on Friday. Cisneros是美国亚利桑那州的抵押经纪人,警方称她在过去的5个月里,累积了70张超速罚款单。
- By the end of July the balance of loans provided by various financial institutions had come to 7,956.24 billion yuan, up 15.8 percent, with the growth rate showing a 0.2 percentage point on the previous year, the highest in the last five months. 7月末,金融机构各项贷款余额为79562.;4亿元,增长15
- There are three rebounds in the last five minutes. 在最后五分钟有3次球碰到篮板弹回。
- It's disease of the last five thousand years. 这是五千年来的病症。
- Sales have quadrupled in the last five years. 过去五年中,销售额已增长至四倍。
- There are four rebounds in the last five minutes. 在前五分钟有4次球碰到篮板弹回。
- The last five minutes determine the issue. 最后五分钟决定问题。
- was whistle - stopping and glad - handing for the last five months. 在过去5个月里的短暂停留和热情欢迎
- was whistle-stopping and glad-handing for the last five months. 在过去5个月里的短暂停留和热情欢迎
- The last five years have seen a consistent improvement in the country's economy. 在最近的五年里,这个国家的经济状况一直在好转。
- By pinch and scraping for the last five year, she have enough money to pay for her son's tuition. 在过去的五年里,她省吃俭用,终於积足了钱可支付她儿子的学费。
- The town has undergone a great change during the last five years . 这座城市在过去的5年中经历了巨大的变化。
- Trade between us has almost doubled in the last five years. 在过去五年中,我们之间的贸易额几乎增加了一倍。