- Do you know the intellectual property rights? 你知道什么是知识产权吗?
- Protect the intellectual property rights in practically. 切实保护知识产权。
- The intellectual property regime in the HKSAR is in full compliance with international standards and norms. 香港特区的知识产权制度,完全符合国际沿用的标准和准则。
- The Intellectual Property Department operates the Trade Marks, Patents, Designs and Copyright Licensing Bodies Registries. 知识产权署之下设有商标注册处、专利注册处、外观设计注册处和版权特许机构注册处。
- The Intellectual Property (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2000 took effect on April 1, 2001 after wide publicity. 经广泛宣传后,《2000年知识产权(杂项修订)条例》由二零零一年四月一日起生效。
- The Intellectual Property (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2000 took effect on April 1,2001 after wide publicity. 经广泛宣传后,《2000年知识产权(杂项修订)条例》由二零零一年四月一日起生效。
- The Intellectual Property Department operates the Trade Marks,Patents and Designs Registries. 知识产权署负责商标注册处、专利注册处和外观设计注册处的运作。
- Establish the special censor mechanism of the intellectual property rights in the significant economic activity. 建立重大经济活动的知识产权特别审查机制。
- The Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau of the department was reinforced during the year with an additional 48 officers. 年内,香港海关的版权及商标调查局增加人手共48名。
- Any other documents as required for by the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council. 国务院知识产权行政部门规定的其他材料。
- Category groups the intellectual property rights and conditions of use for the learning object. 范畴包括使用学习对象的知识产权和条件。
- It then reported on activities by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines in the past biennium. 该代表团报告了菲律宾知识产权局在过去两年期内的活动。
- The Delegation reminded that the intellectual property system was a combination of three features. 该代表团提醒大家说,知识产权制度同时具有3个方面的特点。
- Intellectual Property Right Protection The intellectual property right of the products shall go to Party A. 知识产权保护产品的知识产权属于甲方。
- This is to be shaped gradually into a system to ensure the effective implementation of the intellectual property laws. 这项工作要逐步形成制度,以切实保障知识产权法律的有效实施。
- The intellectual property rights to all original materials in the Exhibition Area belong to the HKMA. 展览馆内所有原创材料的知识产权均属于金管局。
- Shall crack down the acts of infringing on the imported and exported commodities and protect the intellectual property. 打击进出口侵权货物的行为,保护知识产权。
- The Intellectual Property Department operates the Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Registries. 知识产权署负责商标注册处、专利注册处和外观设计注册处的运作。
- Piracy is our most vicious enemy, an undisguised trampling of the intellectual property right. “假冒是我们最恶毒的敌人,是对知识产权的公然践踏。”
- As an incorporeal property right, the intellectual property is a kind of very important economic resources. 知识产权作为一种无形财产权,是一种十分重要的经济费源。