- How can you improve the ideological and political work in schools? 学校的思想政治工作,怎样改进?
- The organizational line guarantees the implementation of the ideological and political lines. 思想路线政治路线的实现要靠组织路线来保证。
- What should be Concerned Much More about the Ideological and Political work in Higher Institutions in the New Century? 新世纪高校思想政治教育应关注什么?
- We must cognize that much new question has brought to the ideological and political work of trade union. 但我们还应清醒地意识到在新形势下,企业工会思想政治工作也出现了许多新情况、新问题。
- Network media has both positive and negative influences on the ideological and political work of the youth. 摘要网络媒体对我国青年思想政治工作既有积极影响,也有消极影响。
- The key to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education to college students is to picas close to the characters of the age. 摘要加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的关键,是贴近教育的时代特征。
- The benefit circle level ondulation and the conflict, promote the Ideological and political education to develop forward unceasingly. 利益圈层波浪式运动和冲突,推动思想政治教育不断向前发展。
- So, the meaning of three approaching and the way to guide the ideological and political work of sports teams are assayed in this article. 本文探讨了‘三贴近’原则的思想内涵,并对如何根据‘三贴近’指导运动队的思想政治工作进行了分析。
- The ineffectiveness of the ideological and political education in college is a glaring issue in the ideological and political education. 摘要思想政治教育实效性不强是目前高校思想政治教育中存在的突出问题。
- The purpose of the ideological and political work is to help people remould their own world outlook while reforming the outside world. 思想政治工作的目的就在于人们在改造客观世界的同时帮助人们自觉改造主观世界,其集中表现为提高人们的思想觉悟和认识能力。
- But,the negative aspects of the market economy have produced an unfavourable influence on the ideological and political education of college studetns. 西方社会思潮冲击我国现有的主导价值观,部分大学生理想信念迷惘。
- The knowledge-based economy infuses new contents into the ideological and political work and puts forward new challenges to it. 摘要知识经济给思想政治工作注入了新的内容和提出了新的挑战。
- The community environment straitens the ideological and political work, while the ideological and political work reflects the community environment. 社区环境制约着社区思想政治工作的开展,思想政治工作对社区环境具有能动反作用。
- While in the practicing of the ideological and political education, there are usually such-and-such confusions stucking out on different stages. 然而在实际工作中,思想政治教育却不同程度地存在着这样或那样的困惑。
- Linyi two always put on the ideological and political education of students in the first place, through the teaching at all. 临猗二中始终把对学生的思想政治教育放在首位,贯穿在全部教学中。
- Region culture in Sanxia, a unique culture system, is a blessed source to the ideological and political education of university students. 三峡区域文化,是一个独具特色的文化体系,是大学生思想政治教育得天独厚的资源。
- The application of MBO in the ideological and political education has promoted the scientization, formalization, and regularization in this field. 目标管理(MBO)应用到思想政治教育领域,促进了思想政治教育活动科学化、正规化、制度化。
- The rising and booming of college society culture offers a new carrier for the ideological and political education of college students. 摘要高校社团文化的兴起和繁荣,形成并开辟了大学生思想政治教育的新载体和新领域。
- To fulfil our task and ensure unity of thought and action among all Party members,we must try to strengthen and improve the ideological and political work of the Party. 为了完成这个任务,为了保证全党思想上行动上的一致,必须有效地加强和改善我们党的思想政治工作。
- With the disaggregation of the original unit of the state, the task of the ideological and political education of the employees was transferred to the corresponding community. 随着原国家“单位”的解体,员工的思想政治教育职能转嫁给社区;