- She had the affair on the brain. 她无时无刻不想着这件事。
- The evaluation on the networked resources is one of best effective solutions to help user finding the right resource. 对网络资源的评介工作是协助网络利用者找到适用资源的必要工作与利器之一。
- The Opposition plan to put down a censure motion on the Government's handling of the affair. 反对党拟将谴责政府处理该事的动议提交议会辩论。
- And also by the method of SWOT analysis, the development strategy is determined, and finally the evaluation on the company is given. 运用SWOT分析的方法确定出科润公司发展战略,最后对其进行评价。
- The evaluation on the control level of circulating water via drawing histogram was made and process competence index was calculated. 绘制了直方图,并计算过程能力指数,对循环水质量控制水平作出评价。
- There is subjectivity and arbitrariness in the evaluation on the after-sale service of medical equipment by the hospital management department. 医院管理部门对于医疗设备售后服务的评价是存在很大的主观性和随意性的。
- And the outcome of the evaluation consortium commissioned by the Administration to conduct an independent evaluation on the CIIF operation and funded projects. 及受政府当局委托的联校研究及评估队伍,就基金的运作及其资助的计划进行独立评估的结果。
- Based on the evaluation on the landscape wres of the Forest Park, the autha intueduces hew tt> uti- lize potentia lity of the site and create characteristic landscape as wen. 本文在通过对森林公园风景资源评价基础上,探讨了在森林公园规划中如何发掘资源潜力,。
- The ministers deliberated on the affairs of state. 部长们商议国事。
- It is an important reference for the evaluation on the efficacy of coronary heart disease to measure the total score of plaque of carotid atheroscl erosis. 测定颈动脉粥样硬化斑块的总积分对冠心病的疗效评价具有重要的参考价值。
- Based on the evaluation on the landscape resources of thd Forest Park ,the author intuoduces how to utilize potentia lity of the site and create characteristic landscape as wen . 本文在通过对森林公园风景资源评价基础上,探讨了在森林公园规划中如何发掘资源潜力,创造特色景观。
- Lord Marke: [on the affair] How long? 多长时间了?
- This paper investigated the evaluation on seed stability index based on the experimental observation,and provided a useful result for reselection of the clone. 本文以安徽省西田林场杉木种子园6年分系固定样株为观测材料,探讨杉木无性系稳定性指标的评价方法,为无性系再选择提供了有益的参考。
- This paper introduces the aims and contents of the evaluation on the seam gas content, and probes into the methods, degrees and workload of the evaluation on seam gas content. 介绍了煤层瓦斯含量评价的目标和内容,就煤层瓦斯含量评价的方法、评价程度和工作量等进行了探讨。
- The evaluation on the value of the maritime culture resources can be done making use of market approach, surrogate market approach and simulation market approach. 对海洋文化资源的价值评价,可以通过市场价值法、替代性市场法和虚拟市场法来完成。
- A command or group of commands whose execution is conditional, based on the evaluation of a preceding or associated command. Nesting is a structured form of branching. 一种或一组命令,根据前面的命令或者相关联命令的求值结果,有条件地执行。嵌套是分支的一种结构形式。
- the evaluation on the affairs 绩效评价
- The essence of the evaluation on the recoverability of gas reservoir reserve is to evaluate the recoverability of reservoir. 气藏储量可采性评价的实质是对储层进行可采性评价。
- Evaluation on the Effect of Purified Restoration in KangqingNo. 康青三号提纯复壮效果评价。