- The difference of rank between us is too great. 我们两人的社会地位相差太悬殊了。
- The difference of water makes me feel bellyache. 这水质不一样,使我喝了腹痛。
- The difference in the electrical condition of the terminals "+" and "-" of the dry cell which tends to make electricity flow we describe as a difference of electrical potential. 电(子)之所以流动,是因为干电池上正负两端上的电的状况有差别所致,对于这种差别,我们称之为“电位差”。
- It is the difference of the elect and the vulgar. 这是上等人与下等人之间的区别。
- The difference of AIP was the most significance. 2型糖尿病合并冠心病组AIP为0.;51±0
- He recognize the difference of the days slowly. 他慢慢地才认识到时代不同了.
- the difference of dialects 方言的差异性
- We should pay attention to the difference of thesaurus. 我们应注意对同义词的辨析。
- The difference of the resveratrol content in dry red winesmade ... 国产干红葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量差异明显。
- The use of dialect lent the work great charm. 方言的使用为这部作品增添了很大的魅力。
- The use of dialect lent great charm to the work. 方言的运用给这部作品增添了巨大的魅力。
- The differences of approximately 10% were noticed. 大约10%25的不同点被觉察。
- What're the differences of the different types? (这些不同种类是用什么来区分的?)
- One who specializes in the study of dialects. 方言学家专门研究方言的人
- Because of the difference of their sources, the Hakka dialects in the Northeast of Jiangxi Province is divided into two: one is Tingzhou accent, and another is Guangdong accent. 由于来源的不同,赣东北客语分为两支:一为汀州腔,一为广东腔。
- Result: The difference of the yields of different accessions wa... 结论:邛崃和望渔野生居群综合性状较好,具推广应用价值。
- Not restricted by the difference of level along the route. 敷设不受落差限制。
- The difference of end angle has no noticeable effect. 测试结束角不同不会产生显著影响。
- Along with the obvious melting trend of language, the difference of English dialects is becoming smaller and smaller, and the trend of American English dominating modern English is inevitable. 随着语言的相互融合趋势日渐明显 ,英语方言的差异在逐渐缩小 ,而且现代英语的美语化趋势是不以人的意志为转移的
- The use of dialect lent great charm to the work . 方言的运用给这部作品增添了巨大的魅力。