- the diasporaer from the empire 帝国流散者
- Luke helped free the Princess from the clutches of the Empire. 卢克帮助公主逃脱了帝国的魔掌。
- People from every country of the Diaspora now live in Israel. 当年流落他乡的犹太人现在生活在以色列。
- From the facts, we deduced that the Empire was decaying. 从这些事实我们推断这个帝国正在衰退。
- This essay, from the diaspora literature and Gao Jialin's tragedy in Life by Lu Yao, studies the diaspora literature of mainland China. 本文通过对流散文学的关注以及高加林悲剧人生的介绍,引出了我们对大陆流散文学的研究。
- She did not go up the Empire State building; but saw it from the air. 她没有登上帝国大厦;但她从飞机上看到它了。
- Many Jews from the diaspora already view Israel as spiritually impoverished and uninviting. 许多流落他乡的犹太人已经认为以色列是精神上贫困的,是不能吸引自己的。
- Some of the most fervent supporters of India's Hindutva movement come from the diaspora. 大部分印度教复兴运动的鼓吹者是侨居海外的印度教徒。
- A single shot of the Empire State Building from the dusk of 25th of July 1964 till dawn of the following day. 这是只有一个镜头的电影,拍摄的是从1964年7月25日黄昏到第二天凌晨的帝国大厦。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- He got a lot of dope from the secretary. 他从秘书那里获得许多内部消息。
- The diaspora ancient oracle, and gitana sisters. 那年迈流浪的预言者和那流浪的三姊妹,
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- He was expelled from the school. 他被学校开除了。
- He headed a crowd off from the wrong exit. 他上前阻止人群从错的出口出去。
- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。
- The deer lowered its head to drink from the pond. 鹿低下头去喝池塘里的水。
- The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river. 警方从浑浊的河水中捞出包裹。
- The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world. 山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。
- The dog flushed a pheasant from the bushes. 那只狗把雉从灌木丛中惊起。