- We start the current fiscal year $30 million in the hole. 我们今年的财政年度一开始便负着 3000 万元的债。
- For the current fiscal year ending this month, our budget surplus is an astounding 5.8% of our GDP. 截至一九九八年三月止的本财政年度,我们的财政盈馀更达本地生产总值5.;8%25的异常高水平。
- For the current fiscal year ending this month, our budget surplus is an astounding level of 5.8% of our GDP. 截至一九九八年三月的本财政年度,我们的财政盈馀更达本地生产总值5.;8%25的异常高水平。
- For the current fiscal year ending this month,our budget surplus is an astounding 5.8% of our GDP. 截至一九九八年三月止的本财政年度,我们的财政盈馀更达本地生产总值5.;8%25的异常高水平。
- For the current fiscal year ending this month,our budget surplus is an astounding level of 5.8% of our GDP. 截至一九九八年三月的本财政年度,我们的财政盈馀更达本地生产总值5.;8%25的异常高水平。
- We have already used up our total investment budget for the current fiscal year. 本财政年度的全部投资预算已用完。
- For the current fiscal year ending March 31,1998,which was about a month ago,our budget surplus was an astounding level of 5.8% of GDP. 截至一九九八年三月三十一日的财政年度,我们的财政盈馀更达本地生产总值5.;8%25,令人惊讶。
- The estimated expenditure of the Hospital Authority for the current fiscal year amounts to $2.6 billion, accounting for 13 per cent of the overall recurrent public expenditure. 医院管理局本财政年度的预计支出约为260亿元,约占整体经常性公共开支百分之十三。
- Mr.Jerram recently revised his GDP forecast for the current fiscal year ending March 2010 upward to minus 3.6%, compared with minus 4% earlier. 杰拉姆最近上调了对截至2010年3月一个财年的日本国内生产总值预期,从原来的-4%25上调为-3.;6%25。
- Blue chip companies Sony, Panasonic, Toyota and Nissan all reported losses in May, and most are forecasting the same for the current fiscal year. 五月份,索尼、松下、丰田和日产等蓝筹股公司均报告亏损,并且大多数预测本财年将会出现相同的情况。
- Moreover, Mr.Singh admitted that the government will miss its budgeted fiscal deficit target of 2.5% in the current fiscal year. 辛格还承认,政府本财年将无法实现将预算赤字控制在国内生产总值2.;5%25以内的目标。
- The estimated expenditure of the Hospital Authority for the current fiscal year amounts to $2.6 billion,accounting for 13 per cent of the overall recurrent public expenditure. 医院管理局本财政年度的预计支出约为260亿元,约占整体经常性公共开支百分之十三。
- But the upshot remains that the stimulus package is relatively back-loaded, with less than 25% of the overall 10-year impact occurring in the current fiscal year. 尽管如此,这项经济刺激法案在一定程度上仍具有前轻后重的特点,在总计10年的实施期之中,第一个财年所占的份额不到25%25。
- California's governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, also said that the gap between projected outgoings and income for the current fiscal year has leapt to a horrible $26 billion. 加州州长阿诺施瓦辛格也表示,本年度财政预算和实际收入之间的缺口激增至令人毛骨悚然的260亿美元。
- Retained profits from preceding fiscal years may be distributed together with the distributable profits of the current fiscal year. 以往会计年度未分配的利润,可与本会计年度可供分配的利润一并分配。
- What is your view about the current fiscal deficit? 如果再连续几年增发国债的话,财政风险会不会逐渐加大?
- The net balance of income and expenses may be included in the auditing of that current fiscal year or a supplementary budget shall be made. 其收支净额得并当年度决算办理或补办预算。
- ation officials will resettle 41,200 of the 54,000 refugees whom they had expected to admit by the end of the current fiscal year, which ends on Sept. 30. 国务院官员说,行政部门的官员结果只能将54000名难民中的41200人妥善安置。这些人原本希望能在9月30日结束的本财年末被美国政府接纳。
- Last month a federal judge ruled that Bridgeport has enough money to stagger through its current fiscal year and was not entitled to the protection of federal bankruptcy laws. 上个月,联邦法官宣布布里奇泊特尚有足够的资金来支撑目前的财政年度,并不具有享受联邦破产法的保护的资格。
- The agency would seek an annual budget of 278.6 billion yen ($2.38 billion) for the next fiscal year, up 7.4 percent from the current year, he said. 日本警事厅打算在下一个财政年度内获得2786亿日元(约合23.;8亿美元)的年度预算,这一数字较之上一财政年度的预算额增长了7