- A guide to the core journals of China II. 中文核心期刊要目总览2。
- The rationality of this journal being the core journal of editology is confirmed.And reference data are provided for the development of Acta Editologica . 这从引文研究的角度为该刊提供了可靠的数据,可供该刊的发展研究参考,同时可促使其作者更好地著录参考文献。
- You question should be exacter! there are many systems about the core journals. 目前中文核心期刊是2004版,具体请见附件。
- Discussion and Research of the Core Journal 在良性互动中推进学术讨论
- He was a military man to the core. 他是个地地道道的军人。
- Let's get to the core of the argument. 咱们进入实质性的辩论吧。
- The core of our appeal is freedom of speech. 我们的要求的核心是言论自由。
- He ate the plum, and threw the core away. 他吃掉了李子,并扔掉了果核。
- It took a long time to get to the core of the affair. 花了很长时间才抓住这件事的要害。
- She hated the cheat to the core. 她对那个骗子恨之入骨。
- The Core Journal Effects of Universities'Comprehensive Journal of Social Sciences 高校综合性社科学报中的核心期刊效应
- Let's get to the core of the matter. 让我们看看事情的核心。
- He is really rotten to the core. 他真是坏透了。
- The apple is rotten at the core. 这苹果核烂了。
- These words hit at the core of him. 这话仿佛一拳打中了他的命根子。
- This apple is rotten to the core. 这个苹果烂透心了。
- We used to have Chairman Mao as the core. 在历史上,我们有毛主席这个核心。
- Outlook of truth is the core of James' pragmatism. 真理观是詹姆士实用主义哲学的核心内容。
- It forms the core of all the questions. 它形成了所有问题的中心。
- The organization is rotten to the core. 这个组织腐败透顶。