- Poor John was the butt of all their jokes. 可怜的约翰是他们嘲笑的对象。
- The queer boy was the butt of their jokes. 那个古怪的男孩是他们开玩笑的对象。
- Rest the butt of the rifle on the ground. 把步枪竖放在地上。
- The butt of whimsical persecution. 异想天开迫害的对象。
- I can lash my knife to the butt of one of the oars. 我可以把我的刀子绑在一只桨把上。
- The boy was the butt of their jokes. 这男孩是他们开玩笑的对象。
- She was the butt of some very unkind jokes. 她受到了刻薄的嘲弄。
- That queer boy was the butt of our jokes. 那古怪的男孩是我们玩笑的活靶。
- the butt of ridicule 话把儿
- We ran the risk of becoming the butt of every controversy. 我们要冒使自己在所有的纷争中都成为众矢之的的风险。
- A stock character in modern pantomine, the butt of a clown's jokes. 小丑,丑角现代芭蕾舞舞剧中的一个角色,小丑笑话的笑柄
- These verbs refer to making another the butt of amusement or mirth. 这些动词意指使别人成为取笑和欢笑的靶子。
- The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人们不做违法乱纪的事,其中一个重要因素就是怕人耻笑。
- They were subject to some ridicule, and were often sent on "fools errands" or were made the butt of other practical jokes. 他们受到嘲笑,并且经常被派去做只有笨蛋才做的差事,或者成为恶作剧的笑柄。
- Doctors' handwriting has been the butt of jokes for many years. 医生的笔迹多年来一直是人们的笑柄。
- These backward folk were labeled as “fools” by the general populace.They were subject to some ridicule, and were often sent on “fools' errands” or were made the butt of other practical jokes. 这些人就被法时的人们打上了“傻瓜”的标鉴,他们经常成为别人嘲笑的对象,被称为“傻瓜”,成为别人的笑柄。
- Our wives and kids were the butt of jokes in shopping malls and schools. 我们的妻子和小孩都成了在商店和学校里被人取笑的对象。
- He is modest to the point of ridicule. 他谦逊到可笑的地步。
- Conrad Vig: Lord knows what kind of vermin live in the butt of a Dune Coon. 本片对美伊双方在这场战争所扮演的角色作了相当深入而有趣的分析和批判,四名主角的个性亦塑造得鲜明有趣。
- THEY were the butt of jokes in the West. (“How do you double a Lada's value? 它们是西方人的笑柄。(如何让拉达汽车(一款前苏联制造的汽车)身价翻倍?