- It's about time we told our daughter about the birds and the bees. 该是告诉我们女儿有关两性关系的基本常识的时候了。
- Perhaps you should tell your son about the birds and the bees. 也许你应该告诉你儿子一些性知识。
- Also today, the quirky jazz pop duo, the Bird and the Bee. 另外,今天还有乖僻的爵士流行双人组合“鸟和蜜蜂”。
- A Frenchman was born sophisticated: he knows about the birds and the bees. 法国人生来就是老练的:他了解性是怎么回事。
- I guess I was totally misinformed when I learned about the birds and the bees. 我猜我是完全错误的时候,我了解了鸟类和蜜蜂。
- I can't believe that Lorna's 26 years old and still doesn't know the faintest thing about the birds and the bees. 洛娜已经二十六岁了,但对两性关系一事却一窍不通,我实在不敢相信。
- OSLO( Reuters)- The birds and the bees may be gay, according to the world's first museum exhibition about homosexuality among animals. 世界首场有关动物同性恋现象的博物馆展览显示,鸟类和蜜蜂可能都是同性恋。
- A euphemism for sex education, especially when taught informally. For example, It's time Father told the children about the birds and the bees. 性教育为啥扯到鸟儿和蜜蜂的头上?其实说穿了就是因为“遮遮掩掩”。据说介绍性方面的知识比较尴尬,有些老师或家长就拿鸟儿和蜜蜂“做那事儿”来举例,从而避免赤裸裸地解释人如何性交。
- I stood, dumbfounded, wondering if I should be the one to answer this child's first question about the birds and the bees. 我站起来,哑然失笑,我怀疑自己应不应该是回答这个孩子的第一个关于性的问题的人。
- I should be lonely, were it not for the birds and the flowers. 我会寂寞,若非有鸟也有花。
- The birds were singing and the bees buzzing. 鸟儿在歌唱,蜜蜂在嗡嗡叫。
- Tell a child about the birds and the bees 给孩子讲解基本的性知识
- Have you told your son about the birds and bees? 你给你儿子讲过有关性的基础知识了吗?
- Long long ago, there was war between the birds and the beasts. 很久很久以前,鸟类与兽类之间发生了一场战争。
- The cat crept up on the bird and pounced. 那只猫悄悄地爬近那只鸟,接著便猛扑过去。
- Long long ago, there was a war between the birds and the beasts. 很久很久以前,鸟类和兽类发生了一场战争。
- After several battles, the birds and the beasts became friends again. 经过几场战斗后,鸟类和野兽又成为朋友了。
- the birds and the bees n. 关于两性关系的基本常识
- The birds and Cinderella are singing. 那些鸟和灰姑娘一同歌唱。
- And when the sun comes out again, you should see my garden and the flowers, roses and pinks and pansies, no noise except the birds and bees, and the lambs in the meadows. 然后当太阳再出来时,你应该看看我的庭园和那些花,蔷薇、石竹和三色堇。除了鸟和蜜蜂以及牧草地上的小羊没有其他的声音。