- the beautiful singing of birds 鸟儿动听的歌唱
- He was pleased to get up to the singing of birds. 他很高兴起床听到鸟的歌唱。
- Sunshine and the singing of birds are cheery. 阳光和鸟儿的歌唱声是很亲切的。
- When the concert just started, it was overcast, and very windy too. By the beautiful singing of those super stars, even the moon came out to listen to their singing. 昨晚演唱会开始时,还是阴云密布,冷风呼呼,可能是巨星们从头到尾“情”声不断,以致月亮都拨开云雾,倾听他们的歌声。
- He was awakened by the singing of birds in the trees. 他被林中的鸟叫惊醒了。
- She awakened to the sound of birds singing. 她醒来听到鸟的叫声。
- I awaked to the sound of birds singing. 我听到鸟叫声醒了过来。
- I knew the morning time in the cemetery, the silvery singing of birds, and the faint scent brought by the breeze. 清晨的墓园,鸟声如洗,有风吹过,带来了树叶的清香。
- The beautiful curtain is made of remnant materials. 这个漂亮的窗帘是用零头布做的。
- They walked in silence, surrounded By the soft plod of their footsteps, the rustling of willows, and the singing of Birds who infested the Breaks. 他们默默无语地走着,耳边只有自己轻轻的脚步声,柳枝摇曳的沙沙声以及栖息在河湾里的鸟儿欢乐的歌唱声。
- No one else can be met on the road. The wind by the ear, the throbbing bosom and the singing of birds are all encased in a sunny sunshine. 路上往往看不到一个人,只有耳旁的风声、自己的心跳声、小鸟的欢叫声包裹在明媚的阳光里。
- He was awakened by the song of birds in the trees. 他被林中的鸟鸣声闹醒。
- With the growth of movement I become conscious of sounds, at first indistinct rumblings, then music, laughter, and singing of birds. 随着活动的增多,我开始听到声音,起初是模糊的隆隆声,到后来听到了音乐、笑声和鸟鸣。
- The flowers appear on the earth; the time of prunes the grapevine ,the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. 地上百花开放,修理葡萄树的,百鸟鸣叫时候已经来到,斑鸠的声音在我们境内也听见了。
- I reached Huangshan and started its ascent on a fine, clear day amid the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers. I felt sure this time I could see the sunrise on Huangshan. 我到了黄山,开始登山时,鸟语花香,天气晴朗,收听气象广播,也说二三日内无变化。
- He feasted his eye on the beautiful scene. 他尽情欣赏这美丽的景色。
- The ceremony was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthem. 典礼在国歌的歌声中结束。
- their beautiful singing of the madrigal 他们的歌唱得很动听
- We enjoyed the beauty of nature. 我们欣赏大自然的美。
- The beautiful vase has fallen to pieces. 那个美丽的花瓶已摔成碎片。