- the adoration to female 女性崇拜
- Offer up praise and adoration to sb. 颂扬并崇拜某人。
- Used to express praise or adoration to God. 和撒那用来表示赞美或敬爱上帝
- The male to female ratio of cases was 3:1. 病例的男女比例为3:1。
- The male to female ratio was almost 3:1. 男女比例约为3:1。
- The belief about soul immortal and the adoring to the Peach was the base of culture of the Peach as the immortal thing. 古人对灵魂不死的信仰以及在生活中对桃的崇拜,奠定了桃为仙品的文化内涵的基础。
- Do sports,and take you to female fitness club. 喜欢运动,带你去女子健身俱乐部。
- The queen was adored to the point of idolatry . 女王被崇敬得快成偶像了。
- Shrewd women are often compared to female tigers. 厉害的女人常被比作母老虎。
- The queen was adored to the point of idolatry. 女王被崇敬得快成偶像了。
- Ask:How say and pull to grew adoration to go above?! 问:咋个又扯到生殖崇拜上头去了?!
- I tried to act adorable to get all I wanted. (我试著装可爱来得到我所想要的东西。)或是
- I would adore to settle back homeland. 我非常喜欢回家乡定居。
- The ratio of male to female professional officers was 1:1.24. 而男女专业人员的比例则为1比1.;24。
- Vocal styles range from black to female to male operatic. 人声部分从黑暗到女声再到男声歌剧咏唱等风格都有。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- Pituitary injection given to female mullet for induced spawning. 乌鱼注射性腺刺激贺尔蒙以促进产卵。
- From then on, in India, the tradition is that any action, in order to prosper, must begin with the adoration of Ganesha. 从此以后,在印度,这种传统在任何行为里面,为了得到繁荣,首先一定要崇拜甘尼萨。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
- In fish, the term egg usually refers to female haploid gametes. 卵以鱼类而言,卵通常是指为雌性所产之配子。