- The Yi ethnic group has many branches. 彝族的支系甚多,
- An Analysis of the Cultural Features of the Yi Ethnic People's Dancing Gala "the Axi Dance in the Bright Moonlight" 彝族舞蹈"阿细跳月"的文化特征浅析
- the Yi ethnic people 彝族
- the Yi ethnic people of Yunnan 云南彝族
- The Yi ethnic group uses a bamboo cigarette box to play out beautiful music and dances under its accompaniment; while the Miao people use a wooden bench during their dances. 生活用具变异,如彝族的"烟盒舞"、苗族的"板凳舞"等,音响别致、舞姿妖娆。
- The Yi ethnic group is an ethnic minority inhabiting the southwest of China. 彝族是分布在我国西南方的一个少数民族。
- The Jinshajiang River Valley is a community for the ethnic peoples of the Yi, the Han, the Dai, the Bai, the Lisu, and the Miao, with strong cultural and ecological diversities. 摘要金沙江河谷是彝、汉、傣、白、傈僳、苗等民族共存共生之地,民族文化多样性与生态的多样性互相联系。
- the Firebrand Festival of the Yi ethnic group 彝族火把节
- The Study of GJB2 Mutation in Yi Ethnic People with Hereditary Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss of Yunnan Province 云南省彝族遗传性非综合征性耳聋人群GJB2基因突变的研究
- Gwa Yi Ethnic Dance Cent, Philippines. 菲律宾中华艺术舞蹈研究所。
- The Sani is a branch of the Yi Nationality. 撒尼是彝族的一个支系。
- Yi ethnic people 彝族农民
- This music descends from the early ballads of the Yi people. 这音乐源于彝族的早期民歌。
- Approaching the Speciality of Epidemic Cholera Amang the Yi Ethnic Group of Liang Shan Area 凉山彝族地区霍乱流行的特殊性分析
- Geography Studies of the Yi Ethnic Group's Costumes in the Qin and Han Dynasties And Before 先秦及秦汉时期西南地区彝族服饰地理研究
- For example in a Yi ethnic tribe in Yunnan Province, there was a group of people who knew the common law very well and who acted as executors of the law, revered by the ethnic group as Degu or Mosa. 例如在云南省彝族部落里,有一个熟悉习惯法并作为执行者的群体,他们被本民族人尊称为“德古”或“莫萨”。
- the Yi ethnic trappings 彝族服饰
- It is a totem for some ethnic groups and some ethnic people worship the drum as a symbol of femal. 鼓在云南,不仅仅是一种乐器,它或象征母体,或形似女阴,是民族的一种崇拜、一种图腾。
- Juding by her dress,she may be of the Yi nationality. 从她的打扮看,她或许是彝族。
- The Dai Ethnic people regard peacock as the bird of happiness and call it sunbird. They admire and worship peacock. 傣族把象征爱情的孔雀叫太阳鸟,孔雀就是他们崇拜的图腾。