- The reform movement needed a new outlet. 改革运动需要另辟蹊径。
- He was one of the leading spirits of the reform movement. 他是改革运动的先行者。
- He is one of the leading spirits of the reform movement. 他是改革运动的先行者。
- She was one of the leading spirits of the reform movement. 她是革新运动的领袖之一。
- The Reform Movement of 1898 advocated and ignited the wave to ban feet binding and establish schools for women. 戊戌维新运动倡导并一度引发了戒缠足和兴女学运动;
- Later, the Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi, representing the die-hards, again took power and the reform movement failed. 后来顽固派的代表慈禧太后重握政权,维新运动遂告失败。
- Peking University has descended from Jing Shi Da Xue Tang (the Metropolitan University), which was a product of the Reform Movement of 1898. 北京大学的前身是京师大学堂。 它是戊戌维新运动的产物。
- Tan Sitong was not only a political struggler in the Reform Movement of 1898.but also a criticizing man on the feudal family orders and ideas. 谭嗣同不仅是戊戌政治变革集团的中坚,更是近代最早批判封建家庭纲常伦理的人之一。
- Croce said that all the history was the contemporary history. Today, it is 100 years after the Reform Movement of 1898. Let's read what the author writes about that movement. 克罗齐说;一切历史都是当代史.;在戊戌变法百年后的今天;让我们听一听当代学者是怎样审视戊戌变法的
- The reform is at its critical stage now. 改革正处于关键阶段。
- It was exactly one hundred days since the proclamation of the first reform edict on June 11. Hence in history books, the reform movement is often referred to as the Hundred Days Reform and what happened on Sept. 20, 1898 as the Coup of 1898. 自光绪6月11日下诏变法到9月20日慈禧逼光绪退位,共计 100 天,史称“百日维新”; 9月20日事件,史称“戊戌政变”。
- The reform bandwagon swept across the country. 改革浪潮席卷全国。
- Canada acquired its status as a nation with sovereignty through the reform movement in the 1830- 1840s,establishment of Dominion in 1867,participation of WWI and diplomatic activities after- wards. 加拿大通过19世纪30-40年代的改革运动、1867年自治领的建立、1914年参加第一次世界大战和战后外交活动,取得了主权国家的地位。
- After the failing of the Reform Movement of 1898 in late Qing dynasty, Liang Qi-chao fled to Yokohama, where he established the first overseas Party paper of the Reform group, China Discussion. 《清议报》(1898-1901)是戊戌政变失败后,梁启超在日本创办的维新派第一份海外机关报,前承《时务报》,后继《新民丛报》,具有重要的史料价值。
- PRESIDENT ASSAD'S decision to nip the reform movement in the bud in 2005 should not have surprised Syria's would-be democrats, for this was a moment of extreme danger to the regime. 2005年,阿萨德总统决定将改革运动消灭于萌芽状态,此举本不应该出乎叙利亚后来的民主派的意料,因为彼时是阿萨德政权极度危险的时刻。
- The reform have result in tremendous change in our country. 改革使我们国家发生了巨大变化。
- A few die-hards are trying to stop the reforms. 一小撮死硬派企图中止改革。
- Church sermons often deal with contemporary problems and the duty of right-thinking men in solving them, and churches are active in reform movement of all kinds. 教堂宣道往往论及当代问题以及正直的人在解决这些问题时所肩负的职责,教会也积极参加各种改革运动。
- the party leaders who began the reform movement 发动这场改革运动的党的领导者们
- The population as a whole is/are in favour of the reform. 全体人民普遍拥护改革。