- And what are the reason of Qing lost the Opium War? 清朝输掉鸦片战争的根本原因又是什么?
- After the Opium War, steamships had entered Ch... 鸦片战争后,轮船进入中国,西方列强纷纷在中国设...
- Modernity began to emerge in China after the Opium War. 摘要鸦片战争以降,现代性遭遇中国。
- The Opium War of 1840 marked a turning piont in chinese history . 1840年爆发的鸦片战争标志着中国历史的转折。
- Pass into when the Opium War, gain ground after reforming and opening. 鸦片战争时传入;改革开放后普及.
- Following the Opium War of 1840, Xinjiang was subject to aggression from Tsarist Russia and other powers. 1840年鸦片战争以后,新疆受到沙俄等列强的侵略。
- Following the Opium War of 1840 China declined to a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country. 1840年鸦片战争后,中国逐步沦为半殖民地半封建社会。
- The" Silver Outflow Penonmenon" is already obvious before the Opium War in China. 鸦片战争前中国的白银外流现象已经较为明显。
- Following the Opium War of 1840,Xinjiang was subject to aggression from Tsarist Russia and other powers. 1840年鸦片战争以后,新疆受到沙俄等列强的侵略。
- As for the Opium Wars, a strictly legal perspective is ludicrous. 谈到鸦片战争,严格法律的提发是可笑的。
- They participated in the opium trade and in plotting the Opium War unleashed by Britain against China. 参与贩卖鸦片和策划1840年英国侵略中国的鸦片战争。
- For more than a century after the Opium War,the Chinese people were looked down upon and humiliated by foreigners. 鸦片战争以来的一个多世纪里,外国人看不起中国人,侮辱中国人。
- Protestantism was first brought to China in the early 19th century and spread widely after the Opium War. 基督教(新教)于公元十九世纪初传入中国,并在鸦片战争后大规模传入。
- Since the Opium War,when they began to invade China,how many Chinese people's human rights have they violated! 从鸦片战争侵略中国开始,他们伤害了中国多少人的人权!
- Hong Kong has been part of the territory of China since ancient times; it was occupied by Britain after the Opium War in 1840. 香港自古以来就是中国的领土,一八四零年鸦片战争以后被英国占领。
- The influx of western medicine enriched Chinese medical science after the Opium War. 鸦片战争之后,西方医学的涌入丰富了中国医学。
- After the Opium War, the Chinese society started the difficult modernize course. 鸦片战争后,中国社会开始艰难的近代化历程。
- Britain gained Hong Kong only because of the Opium War, to use as a base for opium trade. 英国通过鸦片战争割占香港,把它作为鸦片贸易基地。
- For more than a century after the Opium War, China was subjected to aggression and humiliation. 中国自鸦片战争以来的一个多世纪内,处于被侵略、受屈辱的状态
- Since the Opium War, when they began to invade China, how many Chinese people's human rights have they violated! 从鸦片战争侵略中国开始,他们伤害了中国多少人的人权!