- Hanfeizi is a great work of the Legalist school. 《韩非子》是一部法家名著。
- He comes on strong, wondering how the Galatian Christians could have been "bewitched" (v.l) by the legalists. 保罗的语气很强烈,他感到不解,加拉太的基督徒怎麽会被律法主义者所迷惑。
- Whereas, the legalists in the Three Ji days thoroughly took the regnal and state’s benefits as starting point. 法家因不同的学派呈现出不同的理论特色。
- The Legalists rejected both the moral standards of the Confucianists and the democratic leanings of the Mohists (followers of Mo Ti's doctrines). 法家既不赞同儒家的道德标准,也不赞同墨家的民主倾向。
- The relation of The Legalist School theory and China Dynasty legal system are close. 摘要法家学说和秦代法制关系密切。
- The Strategist School makes situation stand out;the Legalist School stresses institutionalization. 兵家讲势,法家强调恃人不敢为非的制度化建设。
- The writer does not think it is proper to impute Qin's destruction to the Legalist's Theorey. 秦的灭亡是一个复杂的问题,归结于秦用法家思想统治而导致秦快速灭亡是缺乏根据的。
- Both Aristotle and the Legalists held that a country should beruled by law, not by man.So, their theories have the sameness in many aspects. 亚里士多德和法家都强调法律的作用,主张法治,反对人治,因而其法治思想存在着诸多相同或相似之处。
- Han Fei was a philosopher, political thinker and also an important representative of the Legalist School in ancient China. 摘要韩非是战国末期的哲学家、思想家和法家思想集大成者。
- Compared with the Legalist School, Confucianism seems emphasizing softness of Yin, for the legalist school purely uphold solidness of Yang. 如果与法家比较,儒家又显得注重阴柔了,因为法家是纯任刚阳。
- As I said in the introduction, there were two competing factions in the Galatian churches, both undermining Paul's work: the legalists (Judaizers) and the libertines (Gnostics). 我在加拉太书的简介中已提过,加拉太教会中有两大派系都在破坏保罗的工作:律法主义者(极端的犹太分子)和自由派人士(诺斯底主义)。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The Legalists all time long put “richening the state” in the first place, deny the points of “richening the people”, and purely resort to the use of severe punishment. 法家讲求“胜民”、“制民”、“弱民”,高度发达了告奸理论。法家重刑的出发点和最后归宿,都被说成是善良的,是基于“爱民”、“亲民”而达到“利民”的。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A general discussion on the Legalist School in Pre-Qin Dynasty Times and their theories has been provided in the first part. 本文正文分为三个部分,首先,对先秦法家学派及其思想作一般性阐述。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
- The Apostle Paul speaks forcibly on Christian liberty in the book of Galatians.He shatters the legalist with the doctrine of grace. 使徒保罗在加拉太书中,强烈地讲论基督徒的自由,以恩典的教义打破律法主义者的论调。