- “他去年近大考的时候忽然写信给我,我一个字没理他,他一封一封的信来。"Last year around the time of the final examinations he suddenly wrote me a letter. I didn't write a single word in reply, but he still kept on writing me letter after letter.
- (=year) 年(度), 岁 yr.
- year 一词以字母 y 开头。 'Year' begins with (a) Y/'Y'.
- 李林先生是a man of the cloth. ? Li Lin is a man of the cloth.
- 听并指出并找“Happy New year!” Listen, point and find @Happy New Year!
- A Year To Remember EP新年特别版 A Year To Remember EP New Year Special Edition
- (=valvular disease of the heart) 心脏瓣膜病 V.D.H.
- YEAR,日期和时间类型概述,YEAR类型 YEAR, Overview of Date and Time Types, The YEAR Type
- 耶稣被钉死在十字架上。与the连用 The crucifying of Jesus on Calvary. Used with the.
- in,from,out,以及of都是介词。 The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- 如果Year小于1,则从当前年份减去它。 If Year is less than 1, it is subtracted from the current year.
- 介词OF Preposition OF
- THE蛋白 THE gene
- 使用Year函数显示订购日期在2007年中的订单。 Uses the Year function to display orders with order dates in 2007.
- 定冠词 the definite article, the
- 资金报表,见 statement of changes in financial position funds statement
- 然后,可以按普通方式在列order_year上添加索引 You can then add an index on the column order_year in the ordinary way
- 赤道赤道。和the连用 The equator. Used with the.
- 的例外 of /at sth exception to ...
- 最畅销品目录最畅销的唱片或其他物品的目录单。常与the连用 A listing of best-selling recorded music or other items. Often used with the.